FFI: FFI-Tests-mt.48.mcz

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FFI: FFI-Tests-mt.48.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Tests to project FFI:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: FFI-Tests-mt.48
Author: mt
Time: 26 May 2021, 11:38:32.557346 am
UUID: 3abd90ac-f78e-b542-9442-2942594cc738
Ancestors: FFI-Tests-mt.47

Complements FFI-Kernel-mt.169 (and FFI-Examples-mt.8).

=============== Diff against FFI-Tests-mt.47 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFIAllocateExternalTests>>test21ArrayAssureLocal (in category 'tests - array') -----
+ test21ArrayAssureLocal
+ "Copy the array into local (object) memory."
+ | original copy |
+ original := self allocate: ExternalType int32_t size: 5.
+ copy := original assureLocal.
+ self deny: original == copy.
+ self assert: copy assureLocal identical: copy.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFIAllocateTests>>test20ArrayCopy (in category 'tests - array') -----
+ test20ArrayCopy
+ "Copy the array into a new array."
+ | original firstCopy secondCopy |
+ original := self allocate: ExternalType int32_t size: 5.
+ firstCopy := original copy.
+ secondCopy := firstCopy copy.
+ firstCopy withIndexDo: [:num :index | firstCopy at: index put: index].
+ self assert: #(0 0 0 0 0) equals: (original collect: #yourself).
+ self assert: #(1 2 3 4 5) equals: (firstCopy collect: #yourself).
+ self assert: #(0 0 0 0 0) equals: (secondCopy collect: #yourself).
+ secondCopy withIndexDo: [:num :index | secondCopy at: index put: index+1].
+ self assert: #(0 0 0 0 0) equals: (original collect: #yourself).
+ self assert: #(1 2 3 4 5) equals: (firstCopy collect: #yourself).
+ self assert: #(2 3 4 5 6) equals: (secondCopy collect: #yourself).
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FFIAllocateTests>>test21ArrayAssureLocal (in category 'tests - array') -----
+ test21ArrayAssureLocal
+ "Copy the array into local (object) memory."
+ | original copy |
+ original := self allocate: ExternalType int32_t size: 5.
+ copy := original assureLocal.
+ self assert: original identical: copy.!

Item was added:
+ ExternalStructure subclass: #X64TestStruct
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'FFI-Tests-Fixtures'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: X64TestStruct class>>fields (in category 'field definition') -----
+ fields
+ "X64TestStruct defineFields"
+ ^#(
+ (one 'longlong')
+ (two 'double')
+ (three 'longlong')
+ (four 'double')
+ (five 'longlong')
+ (six 'double')
+ (seven 'longlong')
+ (eight 'double')
+ (nine 'longlong')
+ (ten 'double')
+ (eleven 'longlong')
+ (twelve 'double')
+ (thirteen 'longlong')
+ (fourteen 'double')
+ (fifteen 'longlong')
+ (sixteen 'double')
+ )!

Item was added:
+ ExternalStructure subclass: #X64TestStruct2
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'FFI-Tests-Fixtures'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: X64TestStruct2 class>>fields (in category 'field definition') -----
+ fields
+ "X64TestStruct2 defineFields"
+ ^#(
+ (one #X64TestStruct)
+ (two #X64TestStruct)
+ )!

Item was added:
+ ExternalStructure subclass: #X64TestStruct3
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'FFI-Tests-Fixtures'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: X64TestStruct3 class>>fields (in category 'field definition') -----
+ fields
+ "X64TestStruct3 defineFields"
+ ^#(
+ (one 'longlong')
+ (two 'double')
+ (three 'longlong')
+ (four 'double')
+ (five 'longlong')
+ (six 'double')
+ (seven 'longlong')
+ (eight 'double')
+ (nine 'longlong')
+ (ten 'double')
+ (eleven 'longlong')
+ (twelve 'double')
+ (thirteen 'longlong')
+ (fourteen 'double')
+ (fifteen 'longlong')
+ (sixteen 'double')
+ (seventeen #X64TestStruct)
+ (eighteen #X64TestStruct2)
+ (nineteen 'X64TestStruct*')
+ (twenty 'X64TestStruct2*')
+ )!