Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Tools to project FFI: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: FFI-Tools-mt.33 Author: mt Time: 20 May 2021, 4:09:18.82558 pm UUID: 33654c93-d0a2-5143-a683-044770efb5d5 Ancestors: FFI-Tools-mt.32 Fixes issue with printing large byte-array handles in object explorer. Makes the text representation of byte-array handles configurable. =============== Diff against FFI-Tools-mt.32 =============== Item was changed: ObjectExplorerWrapper subclass: #ExternalObjectHandleWrapper instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: 'MaxVisibleBytes MaxVisibleDots' - classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'FFI-Tools'! !ExternalObjectHandleWrapper commentStamp: 'mt 6/8/2020 10:27' prior: 0! I am a wrapper around handles of external objects. I am used in the object explorer tool. My role is to fine-tune the string representation of handles that are neither ByteArray nor ExternalAddress.! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalObjectHandleWrapper class>>maxVisibleBytes (in category 'preferences') ----- + maxVisibleBytes + <preference: 'Max. visible bytes in byte arrays' + categoryList: #('FFI Tools') + description: 'Set the maximum number of visible bytes to show when exploring a byte-array handle before trimming the bytes, e.g. #[ 0 0 0 0 ...555 bytes... 0 0 0 0 ]' + type: #Number> + ^MaxVisibleBytes ifNil: [32]! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalObjectHandleWrapper class>>maxVisibleBytes: (in category 'preferences') ----- + maxVisibleBytes: anInteger + + MaxVisibleBytes := anInteger ifNotNil: [:i | i rounded].! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalObjectHandleWrapper class>>maxVisibleDots (in category 'preferences') ----- + maxVisibleDots + <preference: 'Max. visible dots in byte arrays' + categoryList: #('FFI Tools') + description: 'Set the maximum number of visible dots to show when exploring a byte-array handle before summarizing the skipped bytes in composite structs, e.g. #[ . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 ...356 bytes... ]' + type: #Number> + ^MaxVisibleDots ifNil:[12]! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalObjectHandleWrapper class>>maxVisibleDots: (in category 'preferences') ----- + maxVisibleDots: anInteger + + MaxVisibleDots := anInteger ifNotNil: [:i | i rounded].! Item was removed: - ----- Method: ExternalObjectHandleWrapper>>getHandle (in category 'accessing') ----- - getHandle - - ^ self object! Item was changed: ----- Method: ExternalObjectHandleWrapper>>objectString (in category 'accessing') ----- objectString + ^ String streamContents: [:stream | + (thisContext objectClass: self object) == ByteArrayReadWriter + ifTrue: [self printReadWriterOn: stream] + ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: super objectString]]! - | label handle skipLimit | - label := super objectString. - handle := self getHandle. - skipLimit := 16. - - ^ handle isExternalAddress ifTrue: [label] ifFalse: [ - (thisContext objectClass: handle) == ByteArrayReadWriter - ifFalse: [label] - ifTrue: [ | begin end tokens | - label :=(thisContext object: handle instVarAt: 3) "byteArray" printString. - label := label copyFrom: 3 to: (label size - 1). - begin := (thisContext object: handle instVarAt: 1) "byteOffset" + 1. - end := begin - 1 + (thisContext object: handle instVarAt: 2) "byteSize". - String streamContents: [:stream | - stream nextPutAll: '#[ '. - tokens := label findTokens: ' ' "#[0 0 0 0 0]". - begin > skipLimit ifTrue: [ - stream nextPutAll: '. . ', (begin - 1) asString, ' bytes . . '. - tokens := tokens allButFirst: begin - 1. - end := end - begin + 1. begin := 1]. - (1 to: end) do: [:index | | token | - token := tokens at: index. - index >= begin - ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: token] - ifFalse: ["Skip byte info" stream nextPut: $.]. - stream space]. - (tokens size - end + 1) > skipLimit ifTrue: [ - stream nextPutAll: '. . ', (tokens size - end) asString, ' bytes . . '. - tokens := tokens allButLast: tokens size - end. - end := tokens size]. - (tokens size - end) timesRepeat: [ - "Skip byte info" stream nextPut: $.. - stream space]. - stream nextPutAll: ']'. - ]]].! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalObjectHandleWrapper>>printReadWriterOn: (in category 'printing') ----- + printReadWriterOn: stream + + | handle array head tail numBytes maxVisibleDots maxVisibleBytes | + handle := self object. + maxVisibleDots := 12. "e.g. #[ . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 ...356 bytes... ]" + maxVisibleBytes := 32. "e.g. #[ 0 0 0 0 ...555 bytes... 0 0 0 0 ]" + + array := (thisContext object: handle instVarAt: 3) "byteArray". + head := (thisContext object: handle instVarAt: 1) "byteOffset". + numBytes := (thisContext object: handle instVarAt: 2) "byteSize". + tail := array size - head - numBytes. + + stream nextPutAll: '#[ '. + + head > 0 ifTrue: [ + head > maxVisibleDots + ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: '...', head asString, ' bytes... '] + ifFalse: [head timesRepeat: [stream nextPut: $.; space]]]. + + numBytes > maxVisibleBytes + ifTrue: [ "Trim inner bytes" + head + 1 to: head + (maxVisibleBytes / 2) do: [:index | + stream nextPutAll: (array at: index) asString; space]. + stream nextPutAll: '...', (numBytes - maxVisibleBytes) asString, ' bytes... '. + array size - tail - (maxVisibleBytes / 2) + 1 to: array size - tail do: [:index | + stream nextPutAll: (array at: index) asString; space]] + ifFalse: [ "No trimming" + head + 1 to: array size - tail do: [:index | + stream nextPutAll: (array at: index) asString; space]]. + + tail > 0 ifTrue: [ + tail > maxVisibleDots + ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: '...', tail asString, ' bytes... '] + ifFalse: [tail timesRepeat: [stream nextPut: $.; space]]]. + + stream nextPutAll: ']'. + ! |
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