Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Tools to project FFI: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: FFI-Tools-mt.6 Author: mt Time: 1 June 2020, 10:07:54.246523 am UUID: ecaa6159-1abb-7f4f-b725-22098f843230 Ancestors: FFI-Tools-mt.5 Complements FFI-Kernel-mt.83. =============== Diff against FFI-Tools-mt.5 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalType>>printAtomicType:on: (in category '*FFI-Tools-printing') ----- + printAtomicType: spec on: aStream + self assert: (spec anyMask: FFIFlagAtomic). + aStream nextPutAll: (#( 'void' 'unsigned char' 'unsigned char' 'signed char' + 'unsigned short' 'short' 'unsigned long' 'long' + 'unsigned long long' 'long long' 'char' 'signed char' + 'float' 'double') at: ((spec bitAnd: FFIAtomicTypeMask) bitShift: FFIAtomicTypeShift negated) + 1). + aStream space. + (spec anyMask: FFIFlagPointer) ifTrue: + [aStream nextPut: $*]! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalType>>printStructureField:at:inClass:on:indent: (in category '*FFI-Tools-printing') ----- + printStructureField: typeTuple at: initialSpecIndex inClass: structureClass on: aStream indent: indent + "Print the structure's field starting at initialSpecIndex and answer the index in compiledSpec of the subsequent type." + | typeName spec subStructureClass | + aStream tab: indent. + typeName := typeTuple first. + spec := compiledSpec at: initialSpecIndex. + (spec anyMask: FFIFlagAtomic) ifTrue: + [self printAtomicType: spec on: aStream. + aStream nextPutAll: (typeName ifNotNil: [typeName] ifNil: ['foo']). + ^initialSpecIndex + 1]. + subStructureClass := self subStructureClassFor: typeName in: structureClass. + (spec bitClear: FFIStructSizeMask) = FFIFlagStructure ifTrue: + [| next | + next := initialSpecIndex + 1. + aStream + nextPutAll: subStructureClass compositeKindName; + nextPutAll: ' {'. + subStructureClass fields withIndexDo: + [:tuple :i| + aStream cr. + next := self printStructureField: tuple + at: next + inClass: subStructureClass + on: aStream + indent: indent + 1. + aStream nextPut: $;]. + aStream crtab: indent; nextPut: $}. + typeName ifNotNil: [aStream space; nextPutAll: typeName]. + self assert: (next - 1 = compiledSpec size or: [(compiledSpec at: next) = FFIFlagStructure]). + ^next <= compiledSpec size ifTrue: [next + 1] ifFalse: [next]]. + self assert: (spec anyMask: FFIFlagPointer). + (subStructureClass isKindOf: ExternalUnion) + ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: 'union '] + ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: 'struct ']. + aStream nextPutAll: subStructureClass name; nextPutAll: ' *'; nextPutAll: typeName. + ^initialSpecIndex + 1! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalType>>printTypedefOn: (in category '*FFI-Tools-printing') ----- + printTypedefOn: s + s nextPutAll: 'typedef '. + referentClass + ifNotNil: + [(compiledSpec first bitClear: FFIStructSizeMask) = FFIFlagStructure + ifTrue: + [| next | + next := 2. + s + nextPutAll: referentClass compositeKindName; + nextPutAll: ' {'. + referentClass fields withIndexDo: + [:tuple :i| + s cr. + next := self printStructureField: tuple + at: next + inClass: referentClass + on: s + indent: 1. + s nextPut: $;]. + s cr; nextPutAll: '} '. + self assert: (next - 1 = compiledSpec size or: [(compiledSpec at: next) = FFIFlagStructure])] + ifFalse: + [self assert: (compiledSpec first bitClear: FFIStructSizeMask) = FFIFlagPointer. + s nextPutAll: referentClass name; nextPutAll: ' *foo'. + ^self]] + ifNil: + [self printAtomicType: compiledSpec first on: s]. + s nextPutAll: (referentClass ifNotNil: [referentClass name] ifNil: ['foo'])! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalType>>typedef (in category '*FFI-Tools-printing') ----- + typedef + ^String streamContents: [:s| self printTypedefOn: s]! |
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