FFI Plugin / IA32ABI | Crash on return from callback to VM

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FFI Plugin / IA32ABI | Crash on return from callback to VM

Hi all!

I just tried Alien exampleCqsort. The VM crashes (access violation (write access) at 042DCE88) when trying to return from the callback in Alien class >> #invokeCallbackContext:

So, the primitive "primReturnAsFromContextThrough" from the IA32ABI module leads to the crash. :-/

I am using the "IA32" ABI for thunk initialization and argument evaluation.


crash-alien-cqsort-win32-squeak.cog.spur.txt (18K) Download Attachment
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Re: FFI Plugin / IA32ABI | Crash on return from callback to VM

This was on a Windows machine. I just checked 64-bit (i.e. X64Win64 ABI in Alien-Core). No crash there.


Am 17.06.2020 20:34:11 schrieb Marcel Taeumel <[hidden email]>:

Hi all!

I just tried Alien exampleCqsort. The VM crashes (access violation (write access) at 042DCE88) when trying to return from the callback in Alien class >> #invokeCallbackContext:

So, the primitive "primReturnAsFromContextThrough" from the IA32ABI module leads to the crash. :-/

I am using the "IA32" ABI for thunk initialization and argument evaluation.
