FFI and Cog

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FFI and Cog

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi. I am totally lost with Cog and FFI. There are 3 VMs (Stack, Cog and CogMT) and 3 FFIs (FFIPlugin, ReentrantIA32FFIPlugin and ThreadedIA32FFIPlugin)

So..which one should work with which one?

Suppose I don't care about MT yet, which VM / Plugin options do I have available ?  because I tried using Cog or CogMT, even with FFIPlugin and I have the error 'Callout mechanism not available'

In the CMake configurations by default it is:
Stack VM -> FFIPlugin   (and others have ReentrantIA32FFIPlugin)
CogVM -> ReentrantIA32FFIPlugin
CogVMMT -> ThreadedIA32FFIPlugin

It is not clear for me.

And suppose that I want to really have MT, what I should I do in addition to compile CogVMMT with ThreadedIA32FFIPlugin?  

Thanks in advance for any clarification.


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Re: FFI and Cog

any cog version should work with ReentrantIA32FFIPlugin or ThreadedIA32FFIPlugin
FFIPlugin is just for InterpreterVM, not cog ones. 

as I said yesterday, I don't understand why it doesn't work for you, it is working for me without any problem :P


El 16/04/2011, a las 4:32p.m., Mariano Martinez Peck escribió:

Hi. I am totally lost with Cog and FFI. There are 3 VMs (Stack, Cog and CogMT) and 3 FFIs (FFIPlugin, ReentrantIA32FFIPlugin and ThreadedIA32FFIPlugin)

So..which one should work with which one?

Suppose I don't care about MT yet, which VM / Plugin options do I have available ?  because I tried using Cog or CogMT, even with FFIPlugin and I have the error 'Callout mechanism not available'

In the CMake configurations by default it is:
Stack VM -> FFIPlugin   (and others have ReentrantIA32FFIPlugin)
CogVM -> ReentrantIA32FFIPlugin
CogVMMT -> ThreadedIA32FFIPlugin

It is not clear for me.

And suppose that I want to really have MT, what I should I do in addition to compile CogVMMT with ThreadedIA32FFIPlugin?  

Thanks in advance for any clarification.
