FFT >> #transformForward: doesn't use FFTPlugin

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FFT >> #transformForward: doesn't use FFTPlugin

Levente Uzonyi-2

I just realized that FFT >> #transformForward: doesn't use
primitiveFFTTransformData from FFTPlugin. I took an old convolution test
and found that it's ~11x faster with the primitive (220ms vs 19ms).
Is it intentional that this method doesn't use the primitive?


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Re: FFT >> #transformForward: doesn't use FFTPlugin

On 8/2/2010 8:37 PM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
> I just realized that FFT >> #transformForward: doesn't use
> primitiveFFTTransformData from FFTPlugin. I took an old convolution test
> and found that it's ~11x faster with the primitive (220ms vs 19ms).
> Is it intentional that this method doesn't use the primitive?

Not intentional at all. Just a left over (IIRC) from some FloatArray
speedup testing. Apparently, I left it side-by-side and nobody ever
cared enough to notice the cheap 10x speedup :-)

   - Andreas

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Re: FFT >> #transformForward: doesn't use FFTPlugin

Levente Uzonyi-2
On Mon, 2 Aug 2010, Andreas Raab wrote:

> On 8/2/2010 8:37 PM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
>> I just realized that FFT >> #transformForward: doesn't use
>> primitiveFFTTransformData from FFTPlugin. I took an old convolution test
>> and found that it's ~11x faster with the primitive (220ms vs 19ms).
>> Is it intentional that this method doesn't use the primitive?
> Not intentional at all. Just a left over (IIRC) from some FloatArray speedup
> testing. Apparently, I left it side-by-side and nobody ever cared enough to
> notice the cheap 10x speedup :-)

The 10x speedup is with CogVM, so I think it's at least 20x with SqueakVM. :)


> Cheers,
>  - Andreas