Since some weeks I got a LoginFailedException very often when accessing an MCFtpRepository. My ftp server is ProFTPD 1.2.10 Server and didn't change for a long time. This bug was very annoying because I needed to save my changes many times before I could get no error. I traced the network exchange between the server and squeak and found that sometimes, the server just cut the connection after squeak sent the 'PASS' request. So I did a new method which checks when the connection is curtailed by a LoginFailedException, test if the socket was cut by the remote end and then do the login sequence again. It is pretty hackish but now it works fine. I didn't saw anything about this problem on the mailing list so I don't know if it is specific to my image, but here is the fix anyway. Florian A test to show my problem : ___________________________________________ TestFTPClient>>testFTPClientOpenOnHostNamed |client host user password nbOk nbBad| host := 'myHost'. user := 'myUser'. password := 'myPass'. nbOk := 0. nbBad := 0. 10 timesRepeat: [[[ self halt. client := FTPClient openOnHostNamed: host. client user: user. client password: password. client sendCommand: 'USER ', user. "331 Password required" client lookForCode: 331. "will ask user, if needed" client sendCommand: 'PASS ', password. "230 User logged in" client lookForCode: 230. nbOk := nbOk + 1. ] on: TelnetProtocolError do: [:ex | nbBad := nbBad +1] ] ensure: [client close] ]. self assert: (nbBad = 0) -------------------------------------------- A 'fix' in FTPClient : ____________________________________________ FTPClient class>>openOnHostNamed: host logUser: user password: password "this method comes from a recurent recent problem with ftp access with login/pass which are cut from the ftp server inexpectantly it just tests when the login sequence failed if the other end had cut the connection and retry it" |client| [ client := super openOnHostNamed: host. client loginUser: user password: password ] on: LoginFailedException do: [:ex | client stream socket isOtherEndClosed ifFalse: [ (LoginFailedException protocolInstance: client) signal: client lastResponse ] ifTrue: [ client close. client := FTPClient openOnHostNamed: host andLogUser: user password: password ] ]. ^ client ---------------------------------------------- A new test to ensure it's working well : ____________________________________________ TestFTPClient>>testFTPClientOpenOnHostNamed |client host user password nbOk nbBad| host := 'myHost'. user := 'myUser'. password := 'myPass'. nbOk := 0. nbBad := 0. 10 timesRepeat: [[[ client := FTPClient openOnHostNamed: host andLogUser: user password: password. (client getDirectory notNil) ifTrue: [ nbOk := nbOk + 1 ] ifFalse: [ nbBad := nbBad + 1 ] ] on: TelnetProtocolError do: [:ex | nbBad := nbBad +1] ] ensure: [client close] ]. self assert: (nbBad = 0) -------------------------------------------- And the fix in MCFtpRepository>>clientDo: to use my change ____________________________________________ MCFtpRepository>>clientDo: aBlock | client | client := FTPClient openOnHostNamed: host andLogUser: user password: password. directory isEmpty ifFalse: [client changeDirectoryTo: directory]. ^ [aBlock value: client] ensure: [client close] -------------------------------------------- |
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