FT2Plugin update

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FT2Plugin update

David T. Lewis
FYI, I committed the following update for FreeType plugin on SqueakSource/FreetypePlugin:

Name: Freetype-Plugin-dtl.62
Author: dtl
Time: 21 August 2011, 12:03:54.438 pm
UUID: 0bae20f0-a128-4120-9276-252374a8a5ae
Ancestors: Freetype-Plugin-IgorStasenko.61

Update bytesPerWord for compatibility with VMMaker trunk.

Background: VMM trunk generates code for 32/64 bit object memories as compile time option. The code generator emits required macros, and many class variables (e.g. BYTES_PER_WORD) no longer exist in the image. The trunk ObjectMemory>>bytesPerWord will work for both oscog and trunk, so copy this method into FT2Plugin.

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Re: FT2Plugin update

Igor Stasenko

Thanks, David.

With next update on build servers i will include your version to see
how it goes :)

On 21 August 2011 18:43, David T. Lewis <[hidden email]> wrote:

> FYI, I committed the following update for FreeType plugin on SqueakSource/FreetypePlugin:
> Name: Freetype-Plugin-dtl.62
> Author: dtl
> Time: 21 August 2011, 12:03:54.438 pm
> UUID: 0bae20f0-a128-4120-9276-252374a8a5ae
> Ancestors: Freetype-Plugin-IgorStasenko.61
> Update bytesPerWord for compatibility with VMMaker trunk.
> Background: VMM trunk generates code for 32/64 bit object memories as compile time option. The code generator emits required macros, and many class variables (e.g. BYTES_PER_WORD) no longer exist in the image. The trunk ObjectMemory>>bytesPerWord will work for both oscog and trunk, so copy this method into FT2Plugin.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.