FW: Bitmap-Arrays too large for "contents"

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FW: Bitmap-Arrays too large for "contents"

Hans Gruber
 > Hi Squeak-Fans!
 > I am new in programming squeak an I have the following problem:
 > I want to integrate bitmap-arrays in my project for the images used in it. To get the elements for my bit-map array I used:
 > | image stream |
 > image := ColorForm fromFileNamed:
 > '/path/to/picture/icon.gif'.
 > stream := WriteStream with: String new.
 > image storeOn: stream.
 > stream contents.
 > By inspecting contents I can copy & paste its elements to the corresponding methods for the image. The Problem now is, that some of my images generate more bitmap-code elements than "contents" can display. Do you have an Idea how may copy&paste all the elements of the Stream!? I tried Seaside WAFileLibrary and pasted the generated methods, but WAFileLibrary returns byte-arrays, which can't be interpretet within the squeak form of *Morph.
 > So does anybody of you have an Idea and may help me?
 > Thanks,
 > Regards.
 >Your last line could become
 > Clipboard clipboardText: stream contents
 >However, the canonical way would be to simply generate the method rather than doing it manually. Generating a method can be as simple as
 > MyClass compile: 'myMethod ^42'
 >See, for example, MenuIcons>>importIconNamed:.
 >- Bert -

 Hi Bert & Squeak Community,
 thanks for your cool tip. I'll try to generate the methods via "class compile".
 I've tested it and a new problem came up. I did it the same way MenuIcons>>importIconNamed is implemented.
 The problem now is, that there comes up a error message ("MessageNotUnterstood(Metaclass)>>category") although I've inserted classfied : 'generated methods' and the category is already created and exists.
 Here the code snippet:
 generateMethodsForJPG: aString
 | writer image stream |
  writer := JPEGReadWriter on: (FileStream fileNamed: aString, '.jpg').
  [ image := writer nextImage]
  ensure: [writer close].
  stream := ReadWriteStream on: (String new).
  stream nextPutAll: aString ; cr.
  stream nextPutAll: (self methodStart: aString).
  image storeOn: stream.
  stream nextPutAll: self methodEnd.
  MyGraphicLibrary class compile: stream contents classified: 'generated methods' notifying: nil.
  ^ stream contents
 MyGraphicLibrary is a subclass of Object.
 The error comes up at "compile:[...]". Everything before that works fine. Form is created etc. Simply the compilation does not work.
 Do you have an Idea what the problem could be here ?
 Thanks for your help!

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Re: FW: Bitmap-Arrays too large for "contents"

Bert Freudenberg
On 23.12.2009, at 03:03, Hans Gruber wrote:

>> Hi Squeak-Fans!
>> I am new in programming squeak an I have the following problem:
>> I want to integrate bitmap-arrays in my project for the images used in it. To get the elements for my bit-map array I used:
>> | image stream |
>> image := ColorForm fromFileNamed:
>> '/path/to/picture/icon.gif'.
>> stream := WriteStream with: String new.
>> image storeOn: stream.
>> stream contents.
>> By inspecting contents I can copy & paste its elements to the corresponding methods for the image. The Problem now is, that some of my images generate more bitmap-code elements than "contents" can display. Do you have an Idea how may copy&paste all the elements of the Stream!? I tried Seaside WAFileLibrary and pasted the generated methods, but WAFileLibrary returns byte-arrays, which can't be interpretet within the squeak form of *Morph.
>> So does anybody of you have an Idea and may help me?
>> Thanks,
>> Regards.
>> Your last line could become
>> Clipboard clipboardText: stream contents
>> However, the canonical way would be to simply generate the method rather than doing it manually. Generating a method can be as simple as
>> MyClass compile: 'myMethod ^42'
>> See, for example, MenuIcons>>importIconNamed:.
>> - Bert -
> Hi Bert & Squeak Community,
> thanks for your cool tip. I'll try to generate the methods via "class compile".
> I've tested it and a new problem came up. I did it the same way MenuIcons>>importIconNamed is implemented.
> The problem now is, that there comes up a error message ("MessageNotUnterstood(Metaclass)>>category") although I've inserted classfied : 'generated methods' and the category is already created and exists.
> Here the code snippet:
> generateMethodsForJPG: aString
> | writer image stream |
> writer := JPEGReadWriter on: (FileStream fileNamed: aString, '.jpg').
> [ image := writer nextImage]
> ensure: [writer close].
> stream := ReadWriteStream on: (String new).
> stream nextPutAll: aString ; cr.
> stream nextPutAll: (self methodStart: aString).
> image storeOn: stream.
> stream nextPutAll: self methodEnd.
> MyGraphicLibrary class compile: stream contents classified: 'generated methods' notifying: nil.
> ^ stream contents
> MyGraphicLibrary is a subclass of Object.
> The error comes up at "compile:[...]". Everything before that works fine. Form is created etc. Simply the compilation does not work.

Should work fine. Please post the full SqueakDebug.log

- Bert -

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