FW: [Board] Re: Concerns about 3.11

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FW: [Board] Re: Concerns about 3.11

Edgar J. De Cleene
Aunque me gane el odio eterno y voten todos en contra mia, este tipo de
cosas se deben saber.

Si alguno escuchara lo que vengo diciendo hace mas de dos años...

------ Forwarded Message
From: Andreas Raab <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: SqueakFoundation Board Discussion
<[hidden email]>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 17:34:26 -0800
To: Ken Causey <[hidden email]>
Cc: Matthew Fulmer <[hidden email]>, Keith Hodges
<[hidden email]>, Squeak Leadership Team
<[hidden email]>
Subject: [Board] Re: Concerns about 3.11

Hi Ken -

Thanks for including me on this message. I really appreciate it. I do
feel like talking out of my behind though since I don't know what prior
communication between the 3.11 release team and the board happened. So
take what I'm saying here with a grain of salt.

 From my perspective, there are several parts to this discussion. One is
the organization of the release team and how its internal communication
structure works. As long as the release team is able to communicate
internally, I don't care very much about what is being said. If the
release team is not able to communicate internally, well that's a
problem. I am not certain if this is the case or not. Looking at
http://installer.pbwiki.com/Squeak311 I do not see anyone noted as
project lead but given that Randal is listed with the responsibilities
of "Wisdom, Guidance, and Discipline" it seems to me that you all might
want to lean on his guidance a bit more heavily.

Secondly, there is external communication. Here, I would put the blame
squarely with the board (as an organizational body, not as individuals).
The board is either not exercising proper supervision of the release
team, or it is not communicating itself. If someone asks on Squeak-dev
what the status of a release is, I expect the answer to primarily come
from the board. Simply having no answer or having an answer that says
"ask the release team" is not good enough from my perspective.
Obviously, this is exactly the kind of thing I would like to change if

I agree that there is a real danger that 3.11 may fail. This is largely
why I have been such a pest about finding out where things stand, trying
to get people to cut on features and rather get out what's ready. On the
other hand, I think a lot of significant progress has been made. It is
just not very visible (see above).

To me, the biggest problem is that even after spending significant time
trying to understand the 3.11 release I have absolutely no clue how far
along we are before we might be able to say 3.11 is released. I just
don't know; it could be four weeks or it could be eight months (the
confusing naming conventions do not help either).

However, I can see that some serious work has and is being done but I
just don't know how the pieces fit together. Consequently, it seems to
me that clarity of what it means to release 3.11, where that process
stands and how far away we are from having something is the most
important issue. I would appreciate any insight that the 3.11 release
team can provide - and perhaps someone can wager a guess for a release
schedule with tentative dates so that we can begin to get a feel for how
much work remains to be done.

   - Andreas

Ken Causey wrote:

> I feel like I should let you know that I'm concerned about 3.11 and I
> don't think I'm alone in this.  It seems we have not learned from the
> mistakes of the past and learned that communication is the primary skill
> that release teams need to succeed.  It is my belief that if Keith
> continues as he has that 3.11 has no hope of success.  I've argued with
> him over and over and it seems like we just don't speak the same
> language.
> As an example I would like to suggest that you read through the exchange
> that occurs starting at 14:23:24 at
> http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/squeak/09.02.20
> I'm just not sure how to proceed and at this point I don't think Keith
> and I really hear each other anymore.
> Ken

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Re: FW: [Board] Re: Concerns about 3.11

Ahora reeleré el log de irc, porque leyendo entre lineas (varias  
conversaciones en el aire), y recién despierto de la  
siesta...sinceramente, no me he enterado prácticamente de nada.

El 21/02/2009, a las 15:02, Edgar J. De Cleene escribió:

> Aunque me gane el odio eterno y voten todos en contra mia, este tipo  
> de
> cosas se deben saber.
> Si alguno escuchara lo que vengo diciendo hace mas de dos años...
> ------ Forwarded Message
> From: Andreas Raab <[hidden email]>
> Reply-To: SqueakFoundation Board Discussion
> <[hidden email]>
> Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 17:34:26 -0800
> To: Ken Causey <[hidden email]>
> Cc: Matthew Fulmer <[hidden email]>, Keith Hodges
> <[hidden email]>, Squeak Leadership Team
> <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [Board] Re: Concerns about 3.11
> Hi Ken -
> Thanks for including me on this message. I really appreciate it. I do
> feel like talking out of my behind though since I don't know what  
> prior
> communication between the 3.11 release team and the board happened. So
> take what I'm saying here with a grain of salt.
> From my perspective, there are several parts to this discussion. One  
> is
> the organization of the release team and how its internal  
> communication
> structure works. As long as the release team is able to communicate
> internally, I don't care very much about what is being said. If the
> release team is not able to communicate internally, well that's a
> problem. I am not certain if this is the case or not. Looking at
> http://installer.pbwiki.com/Squeak311 I do not see anyone noted as
> project lead but given that Randal is listed with the responsibilities
> of "Wisdom, Guidance, and Discipline" it seems to me that you all  
> might
> want to lean on his guidance a bit more heavily.
> Secondly, there is external communication. Here, I would put the blame
> squarely with the board (as an organizational body, not as  
> individuals).
> The board is either not exercising proper supervision of the release
> team, or it is not communicating itself. If someone asks on Squeak-dev
> what the status of a release is, I expect the answer to primarily come
> from the board. Simply having no answer or having an answer that says
> "ask the release team" is not good enough from my perspective.
> Obviously, this is exactly the kind of thing I would like to change if
> elected.
> I agree that there is a real danger that 3.11 may fail. This is  
> largely
> why I have been such a pest about finding out where things stand,  
> trying
> to get people to cut on features and rather get out what's ready. On  
> the
> other hand, I think a lot of significant progress has been made. It is
> just not very visible (see above).
> To me, the biggest problem is that even after spending significant  
> time
> trying to understand the 3.11 release I have absolutely no clue how  
> far
> along we are before we might be able to say 3.11 is released. I just
> don't know; it could be four weeks or it could be eight months (the
> confusing naming conventions do not help either).
> However, I can see that some serious work has and is being done but I
> just don't know how the pieces fit together. Consequently, it seems to
> me that clarity of what it means to release 3.11, where that process
> stands and how far away we are from having something is the most
> important issue. I would appreciate any insight that the 3.11 release
> team can provide - and perhaps someone can wager a guess for a release
> schedule with tentative dates so that we can begin to get a feel for  
> how
> much work remains to be done.
> Cheers,
> - Andreas
> Ken Causey wrote:
> > I feel like I should let you know that I'm concerned about 3.11  
> and I
> > don't think I'm alone in this. It seems we have not learned from the
> > mistakes of the past and learned that communication is the primary  
> skill
> > that release teams need to succeed. It is my belief that if Keith
> > continues as he has that 3.11 has no hope of success. I've argued  
> with
> > him over and over and it seems like we just don't speak the same
> > language.
> >
> > As an example I would like to suggest that you read through the  
> exchange
> > that occurs starting at 14:23:24 at
> >
> > http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/squeak/09.02.20
> >
> > I'm just not sure how to proceed and at this point I don't think  
> Keith
> > and I really hear each other anymore.
> >
> > Ken
> ------ End of Forwarded Message