On 3/5/10 7:04 PM, "Miguel Enrique Cobá Martinez" <
[hidden email]>
> I now that there were attempts to build a minimal squeak from Pavel and
> from Edgar (don't know if someone else) but they weren't Squeak, they
> were a single man efforts, and without the backing of Squeak they
> doomed.
For the record, as you name me and I was nominated future Release Team
manager and also run for one chair on Board , I need say some.
First, I have the FunSqueak all in one Swiss knife growing safely.
Second , once 4.1 start and more hard if I become Board member, try to go
Sl3 as you see in
http://ftp.squeak.org/various_images/SqueakLight/SL3.11-9375-alpha.zipThe vision Ralph and me start in 3.10, unload all what could load later is
closer now.
If you think modular is important , vote for me.
If you think web is important , vote for me.
I have many members of SqueakRos which maybe do not vote, but was close
enough for remember me each day this point.
Don't fight us.
Seat and see.
My dear Pharopatas could have the lead now, but we still heating the engine