FW: [Pharo-project] little uMorphic progress

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FW: [Pharo-project] little uMorphic progress

Edgar De Cleene

------ Forwarded Message

> From: Pavel Krivanek <[hidden email]>
> Reply-To: <[hidden email]>
> Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 16:31:41 +0200
> To: Pharo Development <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [Pharo-project] little uMorphic progress
> Hi,
> uMorphic is an experimental image based on Pharo Kernel (+Gofer) that
> contains only core of Morphic functionality. It has no windows or
> fonts, menus nor halos support, it can only open a basic Morph in the
> world and drag it with mouse. The purpose of this image is to provide
> information for Morphic packages reorganization.
> Now the basic cleaning was processed on this package so when it is
> loaded to basic gofer image, no new Undeclared nor unimplemented
> messages are added! :-) So it should be quite stable too.
> It has 2,9 MB and it modifies behavior of 32 methods.
> You may download and try it here:
> http://windmap.cz/playground/trash/uMorphic.zip
> Cheers,
> -- Pavel

------ End of Forwarded Message

Y funciona en Mac con Squeak 4.2.5beta1U pero no con las VM Cog.
Grandisimo Pavel, ahora espero aprender como hacer crecer esta imagen

And it works on Mac with 4.2.5beta1U Squeak VM but not with Cog.
Pavel great, now I hope to learn how to grow this image
