FW: [squeak-dev] [ANN] Squeak Oversight Board Election 2012!

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FW: [squeak-dev] [ANN] Squeak Oversight Board Election 2012!

Edgar De Cleene
Si me votan hare lo que pueda para sacar a Squeak del coma 4 en que está

------ Forwarded Message

> From: Göran Krampe <[hidden email]>
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <[hidden email]>
> Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 00:40:14 +0200
> To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [squeak-dev] [ANN] Squeak Oversight Board Election 2012!
> Fellow Squeakers,
> A tad more than one year has passed and it is time to ruuummmmble with
> another Squeak Oversight Board Election!
> Every year we elect the SOB (Squeak Oversight Board) consisting of seven
> members from our community. The current board is:
> http://www.squeak.org/Foundation/Board
> Everything about the election, including schedule and more, can be
> tracked here:
> http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6187
> Since the election process has not been reformed during this last year
> (ehm, yet again), the schedule and process of the Election is as "usual"
> which follows (this is a DRAFT, will be final on the 1st of April):
> *** Now until 13th April 2PM (14.00 UTC): Nominations of SOB members and
> campaigning!
> Candidates should nominate themselves and start their campaign on the
> squeak-dev mailing list. Or if you nominate someone else, make sure that
> person really wants to run. :) I will not put anyone on the candidate
> list until that person makes it known on squeak-dev that he/she does
> run. During this period, the candidates should ideally present
> themselves on squeak-dev, unless they have already done so, and the
> community can ask questions.
> *** 13th April 2PM (14.00 UTC): The candidate list is finalized.
> *** 13th April 6PM (18.00 UTC): Online election starts
> The voting period is one week long and ballots are sent out via email.
> And how do you end up on the voter list? See below. :)
> IMPORTANT: New voters will NOT be added once the election is started.
> You MUST try to get on the voter list before the 3rd April or you will
> NOT be able to vote.
> *** 20th April 6PM (18.00 UTC): Online election ends
> Results will be announced immediately when the election ends.
> --------------------------
> If you were invited to vote last year you are already on the voter list,
> no worries! If you are a new Squeaker and wish to vote do ONE of the
> following:
>       * Get a "known" Squeaker to vouch for you. If a known Squeaker
> sends an email to voters (at) squeak.org giving me name and email for
> you, then I will add you.
>       * Send an email to voters at squeak.org yourself (and CC to
> squeak-dev if you like) with information/arguments showing me that you
> are indeed serious about voting and that you are indeed a Squeaker. And
> no, I don't have any hints on what you should write! :) Unless you
> totally screw that up, you will probably be added. And no, don't send me
> a 10 page essay ;)
> When the voting period starts all voters will receive an email with
> instructions and a link to the voting website.
> If there are any further questions, just reply *in this thread* and I
> will closely track it - or send email to voters (at) squeak.org which
> points to me.
> ...so let's get on with it!
> regards, Göran Krampe

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