FW: [squeak-dev] [Election] ...is soon upon us! Last day info

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FW: [squeak-dev] [Election] ...is soon upon us! Last day info

Edgar J. De Cleene
Jamas hubiera pensado que K tuviera razon...

------ Forwarded Message
From: keith <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
<[hidden email]>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 12:48:56 +0000
To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
<[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] [Election] ...is soon upon us! Last day info

> Hi all!
> Ok, so tonight at 18.00 UTC the actual voting period starts. It goes
> like this:
> - Around 18.00 UTC tonight you will get an email from the CIVS
> voting system with a link in it. You have one week to click on that
> link and vote.
> - If you realize that you never got this email it can be because of
> mail problems or that you aren't on the voter list. Send me an email
> in either case and I will try to sort it out.
> - If you voted last year you are already on the list.
> I will accept new voters during the whole voting week! I will also
> do my best to fix any issues with ballots gone missing in the SMTP
> jungle.
> regards, Göran

Dear All,

for the record I am not voting, since the squeak board is now
irrelevant noise.

The board cannot even manage a mission statement and maintain that
(see below), terms of reference are a distant hope, the idea of this
farce becoming an official legal entity, yet not seeing the need to
have any constitution or rules at all for how it conducts itself,
would be a joke of immense hilarity if it wasn't serious.

Here is the mission statement as advertised:


> The Squeak Oversight Board coordinates the community¹s open-source
> development of its versatile Smalltalk environment.
Ok let examine this line, "co-ordinates". This involves doing some
actual work, talking to people, discussing things weighing up ideas,
and making considered informed decisions. "Co-ordinates" means, that
the board doesn't actually "Do Stuff" but it relies on others to do
stuff which it then co-ordinates through helpful advice perhaps.
> To that end, we are increasing our visibility
Cant argue with that.
> within the community through better communication,
In the introduction of "trunk", there was zero repeat ZERO pre
discussion about the idea with those that it effected. All existing
avenues of communication were ignored, and existing best practice was
ignored such as using a "release mailing list" as used by the board-
endorsed "release team". Also specific requests for preferences to
communicate on the release mailing list were ignored, when this had
actual practical and financial implications.

In a world of modern communications when we have irc and skype and we
are on the other side of the world and I get free calls to anywhere in
the world 24/7. But does the board know how to use email? Andreas says
that perhaps this was a mistake, however it wasn't his mistake, it was
the board's mistake, to allow a new direction to be mandated without
requiring a proposal, a consultation and a vote of sorts over a period.

As a member of the community I had to follow a formal procedure to
satisfy the board. Members of the board are exempt from any such
formality. Thus it is now perceived by some as a requirement to have a
position on the board to be heard. If you have a commercial interest
in squeak, if you do not have a position on the board, you do not have
an equal representation as compared to others who do have a position
on the board.

The board should be strictly impartial in relation to commercial
interests, while it is not, it is not trustable.
> improving the release process,
The release process, is the bit which takes an image, adds some fixes,
updates packages to their latest versions, adds licensing,
documentation, sets the version number, and zips up the result.

I have just witnessed Ronald, or whatever his name is ;-) do this for
Squeak 4.0, and it was done Manually, exactly the same as every other
release, and the process itself took at least 3 weeks, when an
automated process (which we already had) would take 3 minutes.

So much for improving the release process. Nothing has changed.
> joining the Software Freedom Conservancy, enabling Teams to achieve
> their tasks,
This is comical. How did the board "enable" me to achieve my task. To
do this they would have to communicate (see first paragraph) They just
undermined everything I had done, then and told me I don't have enough
Charisma, and "the end justifies the means".
> and integrating contributions from collaborating groups (for
> example, Pharo, Etoys, and Croquet).
"integrating contributions", to me means that we treat all of these
groups as part of the community and try to create processes that work,
and manage some of it in common between them, and we act for them as
an enabler.

Does the new "trunk" process introduced by the board this year do
this? No it doesn't it, it is exclusive to squeak itself as a fork. It
just enables more people to contribute to squeak as its own fork,
speeding up the process of diversion between forks, It discourages the
development of features in common with other forks, specifically it
does not treat the development of features as distinct load-able
entities that are integrated.

Recent statements by board members have indicated that the board
doesnt aim to represent anyone else other than the squeak fork,
whereas before we had a feeling of responsibility for providing tools
and services to benefit all of our many "prodigy".

The board continues to treat previous releases as abandon-ware. We
don't even look after our existing users.
> Our goals for this year are a **clear** release process for the 3.x
> series,
Trunk doesn't have any clear indication of what will or will not be in
it doesn't have any development plan or timeline
it doesn't have any packaging system where stuff can be clearly
it doesn't have any automated testing
it doesn't have any automated release process.
it doesn't adopt any best practices such as XP, release early and
often so releases are not time boxed, everything is far from clear.
> a license-clean Squeak 4.0 release,
This was a goal. How long ago? If I had to manually rewrite every
method effected 3 times, it could have been done quicker. The problem
with this goal was that everyone talked about it, no one on the board
actually did anything.

(apart from asking  the 3.11 release team leader to do the job on
squeak 4.0, without asking the release team, and consequently leaving
us a man down)
> a solid legal foundation,
The board members have resisted all attempts to suggest that a
constitution is a necessary thing. Without it the board has no
identity in and of itself, it is merely a collection of randomly
selected, "charismatic" individuals. How you would achieve becoming a
legal entity without any rules at all is anyone's guess.
> and a draft programming interface for exchanging code between systems.
No sign of this.

(except I have developed it recently)
> With these, we believe the community will be more effective in
> developing for itself and in introducing the system to newcomers.
I agree if the board actually did any of these things it might. But at
the moment they are still patting themselves on the back saying what a
great "trunk" process we have got, and what wonderful charismatic
leaders we now have. When it is the opposite process of what is needed
if you actually sit down and think about the problem as a whole.

Anyone can hack a new image, but is the process itself capable of
acheiveing what we want(ed) to achieve. Given that  package management
is left to be an after thought leads me to think not.
> Please note that this is a work in progress and we appreciate any
> comments or suggestions that you may have.
This is my comment.

Now for my suggestions:

If you have a commercial interest in developing with squeak, you will
be far better off taking control and forking the image for yourself,
maintaining your own branch. So at least you have the level of control
needed to maintain the required stability, and the image you use will
be maintained (by you).

Working towards this goal, of having control over your own image,
individuals and groups who want to help will publish innovations in a
separately managed load-able form, that are not tied to any one image.

When this mechanism is in place, none of the forks is any different to
any other fork, each is merely a configuration of loaded packages on
one or many starting points.

When the tools are available such that the level of control you have
over your own image, is higher than the level of control you have over
the image you are given by the board. The board in its current
"glorified release team form" becomes irrelevant.

If Kent Beck or others of his calibre were running for the board then
I would vote.



------ End of Forwarded Message

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Re: FW: [squeak-dev] [Election] ...is soon upon us! Last day info

Parece que los hechos se la están dando........igual, eso no implica que el
haya hecho todo bien,
tocó muchas cosas he hizo algunos desastres importantes......

2010/3/10 Edgar J. De Cleene <[hidden email]>

> Jamas hubiera pensado que K tuviera razon...
> ------ Forwarded Message
> From: keith <[hidden email] <keith_hodges%40yahoo.co.uk>>
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <[hidden email]<squeak-dev%40lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> >
> Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 12:48:56 +0000
> To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <[hidden email]<squeak-dev%40lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> >
> Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] [Election] ...is soon upon us! Last day info
> > Hi all!
> >
> > Ok, so tonight at 18.00 UTC the actual voting period starts. It goes
> > like this:
> >
> > - Around 18.00 UTC tonight you will get an email from the CIVS
> > voting system with a link in it. You have one week to click on that
> > link and vote.
> >
> > - If you realize that you never got this email it can be because of
> > mail problems or that you aren't on the voter list. Send me an email
> > in either case and I will try to sort it out.
> >
> > - If you voted last year you are already on the list.
> >
> > I will accept new voters during the whole voting week! I will also
> > do my best to fix any issues with ballots gone missing in the SMTP
> > jungle.
> >
> > regards, Göran
> Dear All,
> for the record I am not voting, since the squeak board is now
> irrelevant noise.
> The board cannot even manage a mission statement and maintain that
> (see below), terms of reference are a distant hope, the idea of this
> farce becoming an official legal entity, yet not seeing the need to
> have any constitution or rules at all for how it conducts itself,
> would be a joke of immense hilarity if it wasn't serious.
> Here is the mission statement as advertised:
> http://squeakboard.wordpress.com/our-mission/
> > The Squeak Oversight Board coordinates the community¹s open-source
> > development of its versatile Smalltalk environment.
> >
> Ok let examine this line, "co-ordinates". This involves doing some
> actual work, talking to people, discussing things weighing up ideas,
> and making considered informed decisions. "Co-ordinates" means, that
> the board doesn't actually "Do Stuff" but it relies on others to do
> stuff which it then co-ordinates through helpful advice perhaps.
> > To that end, we are increasing our visibility
> >
> Cant argue with that.
> > within the community through better communication,
> >
> In the introduction of "trunk", there was zero repeat ZERO pre
> discussion about the idea with those that it effected. All existing
> avenues of communication were ignored, and existing best practice was
> ignored such as using a "release mailing list" as used by the board-
> endorsed "release team". Also specific requests for preferences to
> communicate on the release mailing list were ignored, when this had
> actual practical and financial implications.
> In a world of modern communications when we have irc and skype and we
> are on the other side of the world and I get free calls to anywhere in
> the world 24/7. But does the board know how to use email? Andreas says
> that perhaps this was a mistake, however it wasn't his mistake, it was
> the board's mistake, to allow a new direction to be mandated without
> requiring a proposal, a consultation and a vote of sorts over a period.
> As a member of the community I had to follow a formal procedure to
> satisfy the board. Members of the board are exempt from any such
> formality. Thus it is now perceived by some as a requirement to have a
> position on the board to be heard. If you have a commercial interest
> in squeak, if you do not have a position on the board, you do not have
> an equal representation as compared to others who do have a position
> on the board.
> The board should be strictly impartial in relation to commercial
> interests, while it is not, it is not trustable.
> > improving the release process,
> >
> The release process, is the bit which takes an image, adds some fixes,
> updates packages to their latest versions, adds licensing,
> documentation, sets the version number, and zips up the result.
> I have just witnessed Ronald, or whatever his name is ;-) do this for
> Squeak 4.0, and it was done Manually, exactly the same as every other
> release, and the process itself took at least 3 weeks, when an
> automated process (which we already had) would take 3 minutes.
> So much for improving the release process. Nothing has changed.
> > joining the Software Freedom Conservancy, enabling Teams to achieve
> > their tasks,
> >
> This is comical. How did the board "enable" me to achieve my task. To
> do this they would have to communicate (see first paragraph) They just
> undermined everything I had done, then and told me I don't have enough
> Charisma, and "the end justifies the means".
> > and integrating contributions from collaborating groups (for
> > example, Pharo, Etoys, and Croquet).
> >
> "integrating contributions", to me means that we treat all of these
> groups as part of the community and try to create processes that work,
> and manage some of it in common between them, and we act for them as
> an enabler.
> Does the new "trunk" process introduced by the board this year do
> this? No it doesn't it, it is exclusive to squeak itself as a fork. It
> just enables more people to contribute to squeak as its own fork,
> speeding up the process of diversion between forks, It discourages the
> development of features in common with other forks, specifically it
> does not treat the development of features as distinct load-able
> entities that are integrated.
> Recent statements by board members have indicated that the board
> doesnt aim to represent anyone else other than the squeak fork,
> whereas before we had a feeling of responsibility for providing tools
> and services to benefit all of our many "prodigy".
> The board continues to treat previous releases as abandon-ware. We
> don't even look after our existing users.
> > Our goals for this year are a **clear** release process for the 3.x
> > series,
> >
> Trunk doesn't have any clear indication of what will or will not be in
> it.
> it doesn't have any development plan or timeline
> it doesn't have any packaging system where stuff can be clearly
> organised.
> it doesn't have any automated testing
> it doesn't have any automated release process.
> it doesn't adopt any best practices such as XP, release early and
> often so releases are not time boxed, everything is far from clear.
> > a license-clean Squeak 4.0 release,
> >
> This was a goal. How long ago? If I had to manually rewrite every
> method effected 3 times, it could have been done quicker. The problem
> with this goal was that everyone talked about it, no one on the board
> actually did anything.
> (apart from asking the 3.11 release team leader to do the job on
> squeak 4.0, without asking the release team, and consequently leaving
> us a man down)
> > a solid legal foundation,
> >
> The board members have resisted all attempts to suggest that a
> constitution is a necessary thing. Without it the board has no
> identity in and of itself, it is merely a collection of randomly
> selected, "charismatic" individuals. How you would achieve becoming a
> legal entity without any rules at all is anyone's guess.
> > and a draft programming interface for exchanging code between systems.
> >
> No sign of this.
> (except I have developed it recently)
> > With these, we believe the community will be more effective in
> > developing for itself and in introducing the system to newcomers.
> >
> I agree if the board actually did any of these things it might. But at
> the moment they are still patting themselves on the back saying what a
> great "trunk" process we have got, and what wonderful charismatic
> leaders we now have. When it is the opposite process of what is needed
> if you actually sit down and think about the problem as a whole.
> Anyone can hack a new image, but is the process itself capable of
> acheiveing what we want(ed) to achieve. Given that package management
> is left to be an after thought leads me to think not.
> > Please note that this is a work in progress and we appreciate any
> > comments or suggestions that you may have.
> >
> This is my comment.
> Now for my suggestions:
> If you have a commercial interest in developing with squeak, you will
> be far better off taking control and forking the image for yourself,
> maintaining your own branch. So at least you have the level of control
> needed to maintain the required stability, and the image you use will
> be maintained (by you).
> Working towards this goal, of having control over your own image,
> individuals and groups who want to help will publish innovations in a
> separately managed load-able form, that are not tied to any one image.
> When this mechanism is in place, none of the forks is any different to
> any other fork, each is merely a configuration of loaded packages on
> one or many starting points.
> When the tools are available such that the level of control you have
> over your own image, is higher than the level of control you have over
> the image you are given by the board. The board in its current
> "glorified release team form" becomes irrelevant.
> If Kent Beck or others of his calibre were running for the board then
> I would vote.
> regards
> Keith
> ------ End of Forwarded Message

Germán S. Arduino  <gsa @ arsol.net>   Twitter: garduino
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Re: FW: [squeak-dev] [Election] ...is soon upon us! Last day info

Edgar J. De Cleene
> Parece que los hechos se la están dando........igual, eso no implica que el
> haya hecho todo bien,
> tocó muchas cosas he hizo algunos desastres importantes......

Yo no comparto nada de lo que hizo y todo el tiempo estuve en contra
mientras estaba.
Me refiero a los comentarios acerca del Board y de como deben ser las cosas.

Una vez mas.
Está claro, al menos para la gente del bar , que lo único que me interesa es
la release?
Y que tengo mis serias dudas que me dejen hacerla como creo que debe ser ?
Es por eso que necesito estar en el Board.
Sino, va a ser casi imposible.
Según veo, lo que yo ya tengo de hace rato en SqueaklightII y en
MinimalMorphic recien con suerte va a estar en el 4.2.
Y sino, será certificar que Pharo va a seguir con vueltas de ventaja.
Al menos hoy me enteré por un pajarito que el Maestro Diego piensa que
Squeak está cada vez mejor.


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Re: FW: [squeak-dev] [Election] ...is soon upon us! Last day info

El 10 de marzo de 2010 14:37, Edgar J. De Cleene
<[hidden email]>escribió:

> Parece que los hechos se la están dando........igual, eso no implica que el
> haya hecho todo bien,
> tocó muchas cosas he hizo algunos desastres importantes......
> Yo no comparto nada de lo que hizo y todo el tiempo estuve en contra
> mientras estaba.
> Me refiero a los comentarios acerca del Board y de como deben ser las
> cosas.
> Una vez mas.
> Está claro, al menos para la gente del bar , que lo único que me interesa
> es la release?
> Y que tengo mis serias dudas que me dejen hacerla como creo que debe ser ?
> Es por eso que necesito estar en el Board.
> Sino, va a ser casi imposible.
> Según veo, lo que yo ya tengo de hace rato en SqueaklightII y en
> MinimalMorphic recien con suerte va a estar en el 4.2.
> Y sino, será certificar que Pharo va a seguir con vueltas de ventaja.
> Al menos hoy me enteré por un pajarito que el Maestro Diego piensa que
> Squeak está cada vez mejor.

Volvé Diego, volvé!