FW: [squeak-dev] [GSoC] Call for students

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FW: [squeak-dev] [GSoC] Call for students

Edgar De Cleene
A ver si alguno se anota....

Yo voy a estar formalmente en:

Object memory modularization <http://gsoc2012.esug.org/projects#h-4>  Con
Craig Latta como Mentor:

http://gsoc2012.esug.org/projects/memory-modularization Con Stéphane Ducasse
<http://gsoc2012.esug.org/st-phane-ducasse> como mentor

Y espiando atentamente lo que publiquen de
Bootstrapping the core <http://gsoc2012.esug.org/projects/bootstrapping>

A ver si aprendo de una vez a hacerme la imagen que siempre quise.

Por ahora, lo mas cercano es el Cuis reducido con alguna "ensuciada"

------ Forwarded Message

> From: Janko Mivšek <[hidden email]>
> Organization: Eranova d.o.o. Ljubljana, Slovenija
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <[hidden email]>
> Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:45:45 +0200
> To: "[hidden email]"
> <[hidden email]>, A friendly place where any question
> about pharo is welcome <[hidden email]>, Squeak
> <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [squeak-dev] [GSoC] Call for students
> Dear Students,
> Now it is your turn! You will have to register in our website first [1],
> put there some information, show interest for the projects and contact
> the project mentors. After the registration step you will get all the
> mentors information in order to contact them. By pressing the button on
> the project, you will show your interest. This is not something formal yet.
> Of course you can propose your own project too. In this case write a
> proposal in a format other projects have and send it to admins (see the
> email on the bottom).
> Our mentors will vote for the most interesting projects and in the
> middle of the voting Google will tell us, how many projects will
> actually be funded. Voting will happen in April, with final results
> expected at the end of April. At that time you will finally know if you
> are accepted or not.
> Of course, there can be many students interested per project. This means
> that interest for this project is high, but on the other side a chance
> that you will be chosen is lower.  It is up to you to convince a mentor
> that you are the best!
> Note also that the Ideas page is deprecated. On ideas page just the
> project ideas were collected. Now, we are preparing the real projects.
> So, please from now on always refer to this link for the projects:
>        http://gsoc2012.esug.org/projects
> So, the initial steps are:
>    1. Register on our special Smalltalk GSoC website (with
>       your Google account!):
>         http://gsoc2012.esug.org/admin?view=loginGoogle
>    2. Edit your profile to get some more contact information for
>       mentors to let you know,
>    3. Fulfill your brief Biography page (see Biography tab on profile),
>    4. Go to Projects page, choose up to three projects and click there
>       'I'm interested' button,
>    5. Contact and discuss with project mentors about your interest.
> Subscribe also to a special mailing list [2] where we will help you with
> further steps.
> Deadline: as soon as possible, because the deadline to register on
> official GSoC website [3] is 6.April, which is, well, soon! But about
> that later...
> Finally, we will really appreciate if you can help us to distribute this
> call for students. One of our goals is to increase the Smalltalk
> community. Those who have access to universities can distribute this
> among the students.
> [1] http://gsoc2012.esug.org
> [2] Students mailing list:
>     http://groups.google.com/group/smalltalk-gsoc-students
> [3] Official GSoC website
>     http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2012
> Good luck!
> Janko & Carla
> ---
> GSoC Admin Team
> [hidden email]
> http://gsoc2012.esug.org
> --
> Janko Mivšek
> Aida/Web
> Smalltalk Web Application Server
> http://www.aidaweb.si

------ End of Forwarded Message


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