FW: [squeak-dev] Squeak Oversight Board minutes ­ 11/01/11

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FW: [squeak-dev] Squeak Oversight Board minutes ­ 11/01/11

Edgar De Cleene

------ Forwarded Message

> From: Chris Cunnington <[hidden email]>
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <[hidden email]>
> Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2011 12:01:06 -0400
> To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [squeak-dev] Squeak Oversight Board minutes ­ 11/01/11
> Attending: Chris Muller, Bert Freudenberg, Colin Putney, Randal Schwartz,
> Levente Uzonyi, Jecel Assumpacao Jr., Chris Cunnington
> * - owing to an echoing audio problem in Teleplace part of the board meeting
> was used creating a Google Plus circle, which seemed to work to everybody¹s
> satisfaction
> 4.3 Release News:
> * - feature freeze in two weeks; the code freeze in four
> * - the OmniBrowser will work in 4.3 before the feature freeze
> * - a rewrite of the Squeak Map server is available as an image for exploring
> on localhost at http://www.16r.ca/SMView.zip  which may be incorporated into
> 4.3 release plans
> * - a SqueakCore image is now available at http://ftp.squeak.org/4.3alpha/
>> Gracias a que este tonto , que no fue invitado a Smalltalks2011, la hizo de
>> prepo , cansado de predicar en el desierto.
>> Recuerdo que vengo con SqueakLight3 , que es esto mas algunos metodos , desde
>> hace rato
>>>> VMs, Linux, & Distribution:
>>>> * - Colin talked to Esteban about vm packaging, who is busy with Smalltalks
>>>> 2011 at the moment, so we¹ll know more in the near future
>>>> * - Jecel will have the report on Linux VMs ready next Wednesday on
>>>> Squeak-dev
>> ------ End of Forwarded Message