FW: [squeak-dev] Updated trunk image (Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip)

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FW: [squeak-dev] Updated trunk image (Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip)

Edgar J. De Cleene

------ Forwarded Message
From: Andreas Raab <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
<[hidden email]>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:39:04 -0800
To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
<[hidden email]>
Subject: [squeak-dev] Updated trunk image (Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip)

Folks -

In accordance with the earlier discussions I've uploaded a new trunk
image with the version designator set to 3.11alpha and the new update
numbering scheme (now at 8482):


Below the summary of changes.

   - Andreas
[------------------------- updated 12/12/09 ---------------------------]

Image Version
The new version scheme is now active. The image version number is the
sum of all package versions. A stub package "Squeak-Version" has been
added to define the "base" number for the version. This image is
designated as "Squeak3.11.alpha".

New window resizers better in tone with the general UI look. A new
UserDialogBoxMorph for simple modal inform/confirm dialogs.

StandardFilestream now performs read-buffering, dramatically speading up
some operations like "Object compileAll" (2x improvement) as well as
various other operations (scanning change lists etc).

Implementations for Float #predecessor, #successor etc. Update to the
compact class indexes of LargePositiveInteger and LargeNegativeInteger
for Cog. Additional tests for all of the new features.

OutOfMemory has been added as a standard exception being signaled when
an allocation fails, replacing the previous signaling of the low space
semaphore. Improved #ensure: performance avoiding remote context
manipulation (via #tempAt:put:) in the default case.

Faster execution by speeding up some low level operations (like
allTestSelectors). Fixes for thumbnail creation which would leave open
morphs around after some tests.

The default hash for all objects is now a scaled identity has to avoid
extreme degradations in speed when using large numbers of objects
without explicit hash implementation in Dictionary and Set.

[------------------------- updated 11/28/09 ---------------------------]

Menu Bar
Squeak now has a standard menu bar to make it easier to discover its
contents for new users, replacing the World menu as the prime source for
launching tools and other activities.

Support for literal ByteArray syntax has been added. Byte arrays can now
be written as #[1 2 3 "..."] instead of #(1 2 3) asByteArray  avoiding
the need for conversion and a more compact default representation.

Some prime related changed: Integer>>isPrime is now a deterministic
test, Integer>>isProbablyPrime a probabilistic variant. Intger>>highBit
and Integer>>lowBit have been sped up significantly.

CRLF Handling
CR and LF are now treated interchangeably in rendering. Both cause a
line break and both are not displayed. Various line related methods have
been updated to deal with both CR and LF.

Dictionary is no longer a subclass of Set. HashedCollection is the new
superclass for both Set and Dictionary. Conversion of OrderedCollection
and SortedCollection to Arrays has been sped up significantly.

[------------------------- updated 11/14/09 ---------------------------]

Support for isolation layers has been retired. "self-evaluation" as a
concept has been removed since every object can be forced to be
self-evaluating by asking for its storeString.

Project refactoring are an ongoing process. Project itself has been
split into Project / MVCProject / MorphicProject such that Project
itself is abstract and various requests are handled properly in the

Several improvements have been added to Collections. Sets have become
faster, Arrays now print in brace form by default, Dictionary>>keys
return an array instead of a set.

Various load-order issues have been fixed within Monticello, making
loading of packages more robust. Monticello and PackageInfo have been
sped up in several areas making browsing of large repositories
significantly faster.

Faster UTF-8 Conversions
Generalize trick from ByteString>>#squeakToUtf8 to every converter using
class instance variables. Dramatically improves performance of file

An adaptation of Newspeak's Facelift look has been added to Squeak under
the code name of "Botox" (meaning a small set of carefully chosen
injections to improve the out of the box look for Squeak).

Shout (Syntax Hightlighting As You Type) has been added to this image.
As with all new additions, it can be easily unloaded for people wanting
smaller images.

ToolBuilder conversion
All the tools have been given a make-over, removing pretty much all of
the interface construction code and replacing it by ToolBuilder specs.
This removes a huge amount of dependencies between the tools and
particular UI frameworks, and puts all the UIs on equal footing (there
were several tools that were either not all or only partially supported
in MVC before).

New Text Editors
A complete new set of text editors (Editor, TextEditor and
SmalltalkEditor) are available. They replace TextMorphEditor and break
one of the last hard links between Morphic and MVC. With the new editors
it will finally become possible to have Morphic be self-contained
without the need to rely on portions of MVC.

Morphic Text Improvements
Morphic has now regular blinking insertion point cursors instead of the
(virtually invisible) static cursor previously. In addition, various
problems with mixing fonts and the heights of text have been fixed.

Preference Pragmas
Preference pragmas simplify dealing with preferences by providing
automatic discovery for preferences defined in your classes. No more
littering Preferences; you can now define preferences local to your
class and store the values in regular class variables. The preference
gets automatically discovered by using the
<preference:category:description:type:> pragma.

Beautiful, Anti-Aliased Fonts
We have a new set of beautiful anti-aliased Deja Vu bitmap fonts in this
image. The default sizes include 7pt (for handheld devices), 9pt
(generic text, list and menu fonts) as well as 12pt (window and title
     Deja Vu 7pt: Regular, Bold, Italics
     Deja Vu 9pt: Regular, Bold, Italics
     Deja Vu 12pt: Regular, Bold, Italics

Russian Language Support
To input text in Russian language, install a font supporting the
Cyrillic alphabet, then switch the locale accordingly:

     TTFileDescription installFamilyNamed: 'Arial'.
     Locale switchToID: (LocaleID isoLanguage: 'ru').

This will enable Russian text input, display and processing.

Improved Truetype Support
The new TTFileDescription works just like TTFontDescription but operates
on the files directly on disk. This helps greatly to support the m17n
efforts since we no longer load all the fonts into memory. To use the
available fonts on your platform, select some text, hit Cmd-k (Alt-k)
and select "More (non-portable) fonts".

Full Closure Support
This is a closure converted image. With full closure support, you can
finally use recursive blocks like here:

     fac := [:n| n > 1 ifTrue:[n * (fac value: n-1)] ifFalse:[1]].
     fac value: 5.

and close over temps correctly, such as here:

     (1 to: 10) do:[:i| WorldState addDeferredUIMessage:[Transcript cr;
show: i]].

A new Development Model
This image is being developed using a new development model described at


The image itself started as Squeak3.10.2-7179-basic.image. It was then
updated from http://source.squeak.org/trunk. In order to keep track of
ongoing development, simply hit the 'Load Code Updates' button.

------ End of Forwarded Message

Esto es de la mayor importancia y nos da varias enseñanzas.
Como saben los pocos que me dan bola, hace dos años que vengo pidiendo esto..
A pesar de matarme, mandar muchos mails e intentar llegar a algo, Andreas ha
decidido hacer la suya.
Que sera la de todos, me guste o no, sean mis locuras mejores o no.
Al menos la cosa se mueve.
Quedara en mi y en alguno que me ayude demostrar que estoy en carrera, a
pesar que no me consideren.
Estamos haciendo experimentos con German A. para trabajar en conjunto,
usando OldWarrior y las facilidades de SquekRosHeights.
Quienes quieran participar, contactarse por privado.


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Re: FW: [squeak-dev] Updated trunk image (Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip)

Claro que es importante, es lo que venis pidiendo.

Lo de las versiones retomé la hinchada de bol.... esta semana y parece que
prendió, más que nada porque Bert tenía ya algo hecho, en buena hora.

Ahí me ofrecí para ayudarte con los micro-releases. Para que no te puedas
quejar que siempre te dejan solo.

Lo hago con la idea que vos sos el jefe y me vayas pidiendo que necesitás
que haga, en los pocos tiempos libres que tengo, pero que de una forma u
otra (me levantaré más temprano) pienso que una hora al día (y más en los
fines de semana) puedo juntar.


2009/12/13 Edgar J. De Cleene <[hidden email]>

> ------ Forwarded Message
> From: Andreas Raab <[hidden email] <andreas.raab%40gmx.de>>
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <[hidden email]<squeak-dev%40lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> >
> Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:39:04 -0800
> To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <[hidden email]<squeak-dev%40lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> >
> Subject: [squeak-dev] Updated trunk image (Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip)
> Folks -
> In accordance with the earlier discussions I've uploaded a new trunk
> image with the version designator set to 3.11alpha and the new update
> numbering scheme (now at 8482):
> http://ftp.squeak.org/trunk/Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip
> Below the summary of changes.
> Cheers,
> - Andreas
> [------------------------- updated 12/12/09 ---------------------------]
> Image Version
> -------------
> The new version scheme is now active. The image version number is the
> sum of all package versions. A stub package "Squeak-Version" has been
> added to define the "base" number for the version. This image is
> designated as "Squeak3.11.alpha".
> Morphic
> -------
> New window resizers better in tone with the general UI look. A new
> UserDialogBoxMorph for simple modal inform/confirm dialogs.
> Files
> -----
> StandardFilestream now performs read-buffering, dramatically speading up
> some operations like "Object compileAll" (2x improvement) as well as
> various other operations (scanning change lists etc).
> Numbers
> -------
> Implementations for Float #predecessor, #successor etc. Update to the
> compact class indexes of LargePositiveInteger and LargeNegativeInteger
> for Cog. Additional tests for all of the new features.
> Exceptions
> ----------
> OutOfMemory has been added as a standard exception being signaled when
> an allocation fails, replacing the previous signaling of the low space
> semaphore. Improved #ensure: performance avoiding remote context
> manipulation (via #tempAt:put:) in the default case.
> SUnit
> -----
> Faster execution by speeding up some low level operations (like
> allTestSelectors). Fixes for thumbnail creation which would leave open
> morphs around after some tests.
> Kernel
> ------
> The default hash for all objects is now a scaled identity has to avoid
> extreme degradations in speed when using large numbers of objects
> without explicit hash implementation in Dictionary and Set.
> [------------------------- updated 11/28/09 ---------------------------]
> Menu Bar
> --------
> Squeak now has a standard menu bar to make it easier to discover its
> contents for new users, replacing the World menu as the prime source for
> launching tools and other activities.
> Compiler
> --------
> Support for literal ByteArray syntax has been added. Byte arrays can now
> be written as #[1 2 3 "..."] instead of #(1 2 3) asByteArray avoiding
> the need for conversion and a more compact default representation.
> Numbers
> -------
> Some prime related changed: Integer>>isPrime is now a deterministic
> test, Integer>>isProbablyPrime a probabilistic variant. Intger>>highBit
> and Integer>>lowBit have been sped up significantly.
> CRLF Handling
> -------------
> CR and LF are now treated interchangeably in rendering. Both cause a
> line break and both are not displayed. Various line related methods have
> been updated to deal with both CR and LF.
> Collections
> -----------
> Dictionary is no longer a subclass of Set. HashedCollection is the new
> superclass for both Set and Dictionary. Conversion of OrderedCollection
> and SortedCollection to Arrays has been sped up significantly.
> [------------------------- updated 11/14/09 ---------------------------]
> Kernel
> ------
> Support for isolation layers has been retired. "self-evaluation" as a
> concept has been removed since every object can be forced to be
> self-evaluating by asking for its storeString.
> Projects
> --------
> Project refactoring are an ongoing process. Project itself has been
> split into Project / MVCProject / MorphicProject such that Project
> itself is abstract and various requests are handled properly in the
> subclasses.
> Collections
> -----------
> Several improvements have been added to Collections. Sets have become
> faster, Arrays now print in brace form by default, Dictionary>>keys
> return an array instead of a set.
> Monticello
> ----------
> Various load-order issues have been fixed within Monticello, making
> loading of packages more robust. Monticello and PackageInfo have been
> sped up in several areas making browsing of large repositories
> significantly faster.
> Faster UTF-8 Conversions
> ------------------------
> Generalize trick from ByteString>>#squeakToUtf8 to every converter using
> class instance variables. Dramatically improves performance of file
> operations.
> FaceLift
> --------
> An adaptation of Newspeak's Facelift look has been added to Squeak under
> the code name of "Botox" (meaning a small set of carefully chosen
> injections to improve the out of the box look for Squeak).
> Shout
> -----
> Shout (Syntax Hightlighting As You Type) has been added to this image.
> As with all new additions, it can be easily unloaded for people wanting
> smaller images.
> ToolBuilder conversion
> ----------------------
> All the tools have been given a make-over, removing pretty much all of
> the interface construction code and replacing it by ToolBuilder specs.
> This removes a huge amount of dependencies between the tools and
> particular UI frameworks, and puts all the UIs on equal footing (there
> were several tools that were either not all or only partially supported
> in MVC before).
> New Text Editors
> ----------------
> A complete new set of text editors (Editor, TextEditor and
> SmalltalkEditor) are available. They replace TextMorphEditor and break
> one of the last hard links between Morphic and MVC. With the new editors
> it will finally become possible to have Morphic be self-contained
> without the need to rely on portions of MVC.
> Morphic Text Improvements
> -------------------------
> Morphic has now regular blinking insertion point cursors instead of the
> (virtually invisible) static cursor previously. In addition, various
> problems with mixing fonts and the heights of text have been fixed.
> Preference Pragmas
> ------------------
> Preference pragmas simplify dealing with preferences by providing
> automatic discovery for preferences defined in your classes. No more
> littering Preferences; you can now define preferences local to your
> class and store the values in regular class variables. The preference
> gets automatically discovered by using the
> <preference:category:description:type:> pragma.
> Beautiful, Anti-Aliased Fonts
> -----------------------------
> We have a new set of beautiful anti-aliased Deja Vu bitmap fonts in this
> image. The default sizes include 7pt (for handheld devices), 9pt
> (generic text, list and menu fonts) as well as 12pt (window and title
> fonts):
> Deja Vu 7pt: Regular, Bold, Italics
> Deja Vu 9pt: Regular, Bold, Italics
> Deja Vu 12pt: Regular, Bold, Italics
> Russian Language Support
> ------------------------
> To input text in Russian language, install a font supporting the
> Cyrillic alphabet, then switch the locale accordingly:
> TTFileDescription installFamilyNamed: 'Arial'.
> Locale switchToID: (LocaleID isoLanguage: 'ru').
> This will enable Russian text input, display and processing.
> Improved Truetype Support
> -------------------------
> The new TTFileDescription works just like TTFontDescription but operates
> on the files directly on disk. This helps greatly to support the m17n
> efforts since we no longer load all the fonts into memory. To use the
> available fonts on your platform, select some text, hit Cmd-k (Alt-k)
> and select "More (non-portable) fonts".
> Full Closure Support
> --------------------
> This is a closure converted image. With full closure support, you can
> finally use recursive blocks like here:
> fac := [:n| n > 1 ifTrue:[n * (fac value: n-1)] ifFalse:[1]].
> fac value: 5.
> and close over temps correctly, such as here:
> (1 to: 10) do:[:i| WorldState addDeferredUIMessage:[Transcript cr;
> show: i]].
> A new Development Model
> -----------------------
> This image is being developed using a new development model described at
> http://board.squeak.org/2009/07/02/a-new-community-development-model/
> The image itself started as Squeak3.10.2-7179-basic.image. It was then
> updated from http://source.squeak.org/trunk. In order to keep track of
> ongoing development, simply hit the 'Load Code Updates' button.
> ------ End of Forwarded Message
> Esto es de la mayor importancia y nos da varias enseñanzas.
> Como saben los pocos que me dan bola, hace dos años que vengo pidiendo
> esto..
> A pesar de matarme, mandar muchos mails e intentar llegar a algo, Andreas
> ha
> decidido hacer la suya.
> Que sera la de todos, me guste o no, sean mis locuras mejores o no.
> Al menos la cosa se mueve.
> Quedara en mi y en alguno que me ayude demostrar que estoy en carrera, a
> pesar que no me consideren.
> Estamos haciendo experimentos con German A. para trabajar en conjunto,
> usando OldWarrior y las facilidades de SquekRosHeights.
> Quienes quieran participar, contactarse por privado.
> Edgar
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Re: FW: [squeak-dev] Updated trunk image (Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip)

Igor Stasenko
Great news.
Thank you, German for willing to help.

I found that sometimes i can't understand Edgar's messages completely.
And many squeakers completely don't understand Spanish (including me).
So, your help, even as minimal as just coordinating & communicating will be
greatly appreciated.

2009/12/13 Germán Arduino <[hidden email]>

> Claro que es importante, es lo que venis pidiendo.
> Lo de las versiones retomé la hinchada de bol.... esta semana y parece que
> prendió, más que nada porque Bert tenía ya algo hecho, en buena hora.
> Ahí me ofrecí para ayudarte con los micro-releases. Para que no te puedas
> quejar que siempre te dejan solo.
> Lo hago con la idea que vos sos el jefe y me vayas pidiendo que necesitás
> que haga, en los pocos tiempos libres que tengo, pero que de una forma u
> otra (me levantaré más temprano) pienso que una hora al día (y más en los
> fines de semana) puedo juntar.
> Salute!
> 2009/12/13 Edgar J. De Cleene <[hidden email]>
>> ------ Forwarded Message
>> From: Andreas Raab <[hidden email] <andreas.raab%40gmx.de>>
>> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
>> <[hidden email]<squeak-dev%40lists.squeakfoundation.org>
>> >
>> Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:39:04 -0800
>> To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
>> <[hidden email]<squeak-dev%40lists.squeakfoundation.org>
>> >
>> Subject: [squeak-dev] Updated trunk image (Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip)
>> Folks -
>> In accordance with the earlier discussions I've uploaded a new trunk
>> image with the version designator set to 3.11alpha and the new update
>> numbering scheme (now at 8482):
>> http://ftp.squeak.org/trunk/Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip
>> Below the summary of changes.
>> Cheers,
>> - Andreas
>> [------------------------- updated 12/12/09 ---------------------------]
>> Image Version
>> -------------
>> The new version scheme is now active. The image version number is the
>> sum of all package versions. A stub package "Squeak-Version" has been
>> added to define the "base" number for the version. This image is
>> designated as "Squeak3.11.alpha".
>> Morphic
>> -------
>> New window resizers better in tone with the general UI look. A new
>> UserDialogBoxMorph for simple modal inform/confirm dialogs.
>> Files
>> -----
>> StandardFilestream now performs read-buffering, dramatically speading up
>> some operations like "Object compileAll" (2x improvement) as well as
>> various other operations (scanning change lists etc).
>> Numbers
>> -------
>> Implementations for Float #predecessor, #successor etc. Update to the
>> compact class indexes of LargePositiveInteger and LargeNegativeInteger
>> for Cog. Additional tests for all of the new features.
>> Exceptions
>> ----------
>> OutOfMemory has been added as a standard exception being signaled when
>> an allocation fails, replacing the previous signaling of the low space
>> semaphore. Improved #ensure: performance avoiding remote context
>> manipulation (via #tempAt:put:) in the default case.
>> SUnit
>> -----
>> Faster execution by speeding up some low level operations (like
>> allTestSelectors). Fixes for thumbnail creation which would leave open
>> morphs around after some tests.
>> Kernel
>> ------
>> The default hash for all objects is now a scaled identity has to avoid
>> extreme degradations in speed when using large numbers of objects
>> without explicit hash implementation in Dictionary and Set.
>> [------------------------- updated 11/28/09 ---------------------------]
>> Menu Bar
>> --------
>> Squeak now has a standard menu bar to make it easier to discover its
>> contents for new users, replacing the World menu as the prime source for
>> launching tools and other activities.
>> Compiler
>> --------
>> Support for literal ByteArray syntax has been added. Byte arrays can now
>> be written as #[1 2 3 "..."] instead of #(1 2 3) asByteArray avoiding
>> the need for conversion and a more compact default representation.
>> Numbers
>> -------
>> Some prime related changed: Integer>>isPrime is now a deterministic
>> test, Integer>>isProbablyPrime a probabilistic variant. Intger>>highBit
>> and Integer>>lowBit have been sped up significantly.
>> CRLF Handling
>> -------------
>> CR and LF are now treated interchangeably in rendering. Both cause a
>> line break and both are not displayed. Various line related methods have
>> been updated to deal with both CR and LF.
>> Collections
>> -----------
>> Dictionary is no longer a subclass of Set. HashedCollection is the new
>> superclass for both Set and Dictionary. Conversion of OrderedCollection
>> and SortedCollection to Arrays has been sped up significantly.
>> [------------------------- updated 11/14/09 ---------------------------]
>> Kernel
>> ------
>> Support for isolation layers has been retired. "self-evaluation" as a
>> concept has been removed since every object can be forced to be
>> self-evaluating by asking for its storeString.
>> Projects
>> --------
>> Project refactoring are an ongoing process. Project itself has been
>> split into Project / MVCProject / MorphicProject such that Project
>> itself is abstract and various requests are handled properly in the
>> subclasses.
>> Collections
>> -----------
>> Several improvements have been added to Collections. Sets have become
>> faster, Arrays now print in brace form by default, Dictionary>>keys
>> return an array instead of a set.
>> Monticello
>> ----------
>> Various load-order issues have been fixed within Monticello, making
>> loading of packages more robust. Monticello and PackageInfo have been
>> sped up in several areas making browsing of large repositories
>> significantly faster.
>> Faster UTF-8 Conversions
>> ------------------------
>> Generalize trick from ByteString>>#squeakToUtf8 to every converter using
>> class instance variables. Dramatically improves performance of file
>> operations.
>> FaceLift
>> --------
>> An adaptation of Newspeak's Facelift look has been added to Squeak under
>> the code name of "Botox" (meaning a small set of carefully chosen
>> injections to improve the out of the box look for Squeak).
>> Shout
>> -----
>> Shout (Syntax Hightlighting As You Type) has been added to this image.
>> As with all new additions, it can be easily unloaded for people wanting
>> smaller images.
>> ToolBuilder conversion
>> ----------------------
>> All the tools have been given a make-over, removing pretty much all of
>> the interface construction code and replacing it by ToolBuilder specs.
>> This removes a huge amount of dependencies between the tools and
>> particular UI frameworks, and puts all the UIs on equal footing (there
>> were several tools that were either not all or only partially supported
>> in MVC before).
>> New Text Editors
>> ----------------
>> A complete new set of text editors (Editor, TextEditor and
>> SmalltalkEditor) are available. They replace TextMorphEditor and break
>> one of the last hard links between Morphic and MVC. With the new editors
>> it will finally become possible to have Morphic be self-contained
>> without the need to rely on portions of MVC.
>> Morphic Text Improvements
>> -------------------------
>> Morphic has now regular blinking insertion point cursors instead of the
>> (virtually invisible) static cursor previously. In addition, various
>> problems with mixing fonts and the heights of text have been fixed.
>> Preference Pragmas
>> ------------------
>> Preference pragmas simplify dealing with preferences by providing
>> automatic discovery for preferences defined in your classes. No more
>> littering Preferences; you can now define preferences local to your
>> class and store the values in regular class variables. The preference
>> gets automatically discovered by using the
>> <preference:category:description:type:> pragma.
>> Beautiful, Anti-Aliased Fonts
>> -----------------------------
>> We have a new set of beautiful anti-aliased Deja Vu bitmap fonts in this
>> image. The default sizes include 7pt (for handheld devices), 9pt
>> (generic text, list and menu fonts) as well as 12pt (window and title
>> fonts):
>> Deja Vu 7pt: Regular, Bold, Italics
>> Deja Vu 9pt: Regular, Bold, Italics
>> Deja Vu 12pt: Regular, Bold, Italics
>> Russian Language Support
>> ------------------------
>> To input text in Russian language, install a font supporting the
>> Cyrillic alphabet, then switch the locale accordingly:
>> TTFileDescription installFamilyNamed: 'Arial'.
>> Locale switchToID: (LocaleID isoLanguage: 'ru').
>> This will enable Russian text input, display and processing.
>> Improved Truetype Support
>> -------------------------
>> The new TTFileDescription works just like TTFontDescription but operates
>> on the files directly on disk. This helps greatly to support the m17n
>> efforts since we no longer load all the fonts into memory. To use the
>> available fonts on your platform, select some text, hit Cmd-k (Alt-k)
>> and select "More (non-portable) fonts".
>> Full Closure Support
>> --------------------
>> This is a closure converted image. With full closure support, you can
>> finally use recursive blocks like here:
>> fac := [:n| n > 1 ifTrue:[n * (fac value: n-1)] ifFalse:[1]].
>> fac value: 5.
>> and close over temps correctly, such as here:
>> (1 to: 10) do:[:i| WorldState addDeferredUIMessage:[Transcript cr;
>> show: i]].
>> A new Development Model
>> -----------------------
>> This image is being developed using a new development model described at
>> http://board.squeak.org/2009/07/02/a-new-community-development-model/
>> The image itself started as Squeak3.10.2-7179-basic.image. It was then
>> updated from http://source.squeak.org/trunk. In order to keep track of
>> ongoing development, simply hit the 'Load Code Updates' button.
>> ------ End of Forwarded Message
>> Esto es de la mayor importancia y nos da varias enseñanzas.
>> Como saben los pocos que me dan bola, hace dos años que vengo pidiendo
>> esto..
>> A pesar de matarme, mandar muchos mails e intentar llegar a algo, Andreas
>> ha
>> decidido hacer la suya.
>> Que sera la de todos, me guste o no, sean mis locuras mejores o no.
>> Al menos la cosa se mueve.
>> Quedara en mi y en alguno que me ayude demostrar que estoy en carrera, a
>> pesar que no me consideren.
>> Estamos haciendo experimentos con German A. para trabajar en conjunto,
>> usando OldWarrior y las facilidades de SquekRosHeights.
>> Quienes quieran participar, contactarse por privado.
>> Edgar

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: FW: [squeak-dev] Updated trunk image (Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip)

Hi Igor:

2009/12/13 Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]>

> Great news.
> Thank you, German for willing to help.
I wish I had more free time, but well, I will try my best on the time I can

> I found that sometimes i can't understand Edgar's messages completely.
> And many squeakers completely don't understand Spanish (including me).
> So, your help, even as minimal as just coordinating & communicating will be
> greatly appreciated.
Even talking the same language sometimes is hard to understand ideas by
mail, and the same is true for us, the non native english speakers with the
English language, but I will try to help in each way I can.

For now, I started running the Linux tests on the new 3.11 Alpha image.

Thanks by your words.


> 2009/12/13 Germán Arduino <[hidden email]>
>> Claro que es importante, es lo que venis pidiendo.
>> Lo de las versiones retomé la hinchada de bol.... esta semana y parece que
>> prendió, más que nada porque Bert tenía ya algo hecho, en buena hora.
>> Ahí me ofrecí para ayudarte con los micro-releases. Para que no te puedas
>> quejar que siempre te dejan solo.
>> Lo hago con la idea que vos sos el jefe y me vayas pidiendo que necesitás
>> que haga, en los pocos tiempos libres que tengo, pero que de una forma u
>> otra (me levantaré más temprano) pienso que una hora al día (y más en los
>> fines de semana) puedo juntar.
>> Salute!
>> 2009/12/13 Edgar J. De Cleene <[hidden email]>
>>> ------ Forwarded Message
>>> From: Andreas Raab <[hidden email] <andreas.raab%40gmx.de>>
>>> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
>>> <[hidden email]<squeak-dev%40lists.squeakfoundation.org>
>>> >
>>> Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:39:04 -0800
>>> To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
>>> <[hidden email]<squeak-dev%40lists.squeakfoundation.org>
>>> >
>>> Subject: [squeak-dev] Updated trunk image (Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip)
>>> Folks -
>>> In accordance with the earlier discussions I've uploaded a new trunk
>>> image with the version designator set to 3.11alpha and the new update
>>> numbering scheme (now at 8482):
>>> http://ftp.squeak.org/trunk/Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip
>>> Below the summary of changes.
>>> Cheers,
>>> - Andreas
>>> [------------------------- updated 12/12/09 ---------------------------]
>>> Image Version
>>> -------------
>>> The new version scheme is now active. The image version number is the
>>> sum of all package versions. A stub package "Squeak-Version" has been
>>> added to define the "base" number for the version. This image is
>>> designated as "Squeak3.11.alpha".
>>> Morphic
>>> -------
>>> New window resizers better in tone with the general UI look. A new
>>> UserDialogBoxMorph for simple modal inform/confirm dialogs.
>>> Files
>>> -----
>>> StandardFilestream now performs read-buffering, dramatically speading up
>>> some operations like "Object compileAll" (2x improvement) as well as
>>> various other operations (scanning change lists etc).
>>> Numbers
>>> -------
>>> Implementations for Float #predecessor, #successor etc. Update to the
>>> compact class indexes of LargePositiveInteger and LargeNegativeInteger
>>> for Cog. Additional tests for all of the new features.
>>> Exceptions
>>> ----------
>>> OutOfMemory has been added as a standard exception being signaled when
>>> an allocation fails, replacing the previous signaling of the low space
>>> semaphore. Improved #ensure: performance avoiding remote context
>>> manipulation (via #tempAt:put:) in the default case.
>>> SUnit
>>> -----
>>> Faster execution by speeding up some low level operations (like
>>> allTestSelectors). Fixes for thumbnail creation which would leave open
>>> morphs around after some tests.
>>> Kernel
>>> ------
>>> The default hash for all objects is now a scaled identity has to avoid
>>> extreme degradations in speed when using large numbers of objects
>>> without explicit hash implementation in Dictionary and Set.
>>> [------------------------- updated 11/28/09 ---------------------------]
>>> Menu Bar
>>> --------
>>> Squeak now has a standard menu bar to make it easier to discover its
>>> contents for new users, replacing the World menu as the prime source for
>>> launching tools and other activities.
>>> Compiler
>>> --------
>>> Support for literal ByteArray syntax has been added. Byte arrays can now
>>> be written as #[1 2 3 "..."] instead of #(1 2 3) asByteArray avoiding
>>> the need for conversion and a more compact default representation.
>>> Numbers
>>> -------
>>> Some prime related changed: Integer>>isPrime is now a deterministic
>>> test, Integer>>isProbablyPrime a probabilistic variant. Intger>>highBit
>>> and Integer>>lowBit have been sped up significantly.
>>> CRLF Handling
>>> -------------
>>> CR and LF are now treated interchangeably in rendering. Both cause a
>>> line break and both are not displayed. Various line related methods have
>>> been updated to deal with both CR and LF.
>>> Collections
>>> -----------
>>> Dictionary is no longer a subclass of Set. HashedCollection is the new
>>> superclass for both Set and Dictionary. Conversion of OrderedCollection
>>> and SortedCollection to Arrays has been sped up significantly.
>>> [------------------------- updated 11/14/09 ---------------------------]
>>> Kernel
>>> ------
>>> Support for isolation layers has been retired. "self-evaluation" as a
>>> concept has been removed since every object can be forced to be
>>> self-evaluating by asking for its storeString.
>>> Projects
>>> --------
>>> Project refactoring are an ongoing process. Project itself has been
>>> split into Project / MVCProject / MorphicProject such that Project
>>> itself is abstract and various requests are handled properly in the
>>> subclasses.
>>> Collections
>>> -----------
>>> Several improvements have been added to Collections. Sets have become
>>> faster, Arrays now print in brace form by default, Dictionary>>keys
>>> return an array instead of a set.
>>> Monticello
>>> ----------
>>> Various load-order issues have been fixed within Monticello, making
>>> loading of packages more robust. Monticello and PackageInfo have been
>>> sped up in several areas making browsing of large repositories
>>> significantly faster.
>>> Faster UTF-8 Conversions
>>> ------------------------
>>> Generalize trick from ByteString>>#squeakToUtf8 to every converter using
>>> class instance variables. Dramatically improves performance of file
>>> operations.
>>> FaceLift
>>> --------
>>> An adaptation of Newspeak's Facelift look has been added to Squeak under
>>> the code name of "Botox" (meaning a small set of carefully chosen
>>> injections to improve the out of the box look for Squeak).
>>> Shout
>>> -----
>>> Shout (Syntax Hightlighting As You Type) has been added to this image.
>>> As with all new additions, it can be easily unloaded for people wanting
>>> smaller images.
>>> ToolBuilder conversion
>>> ----------------------
>>> All the tools have been given a make-over, removing pretty much all of
>>> the interface construction code and replacing it by ToolBuilder specs.
>>> This removes a huge amount of dependencies between the tools and
>>> particular UI frameworks, and puts all the UIs on equal footing (there
>>> were several tools that were either not all or only partially supported
>>> in MVC before).
>>> New Text Editors
>>> ----------------
>>> A complete new set of text editors (Editor, TextEditor and
>>> SmalltalkEditor) are available. They replace TextMorphEditor and break
>>> one of the last hard links between Morphic and MVC. With the new editors
>>> it will finally become possible to have Morphic be self-contained
>>> without the need to rely on portions of MVC.
>>> Morphic Text Improvements
>>> -------------------------
>>> Morphic has now regular blinking insertion point cursors instead of the
>>> (virtually invisible) static cursor previously. In addition, various
>>> problems with mixing fonts and the heights of text have been fixed.
>>> Preference Pragmas
>>> ------------------
>>> Preference pragmas simplify dealing with preferences by providing
>>> automatic discovery for preferences defined in your classes. No more
>>> littering Preferences; you can now define preferences local to your
>>> class and store the values in regular class variables. The preference
>>> gets automatically discovered by using the
>>> <preference:category:description:type:> pragma.
>>> Beautiful, Anti-Aliased Fonts
>>> -----------------------------
>>> We have a new set of beautiful anti-aliased Deja Vu bitmap fonts in this
>>> image. The default sizes include 7pt (for handheld devices), 9pt
>>> (generic text, list and menu fonts) as well as 12pt (window and title
>>> fonts):
>>> Deja Vu 7pt: Regular, Bold, Italics
>>> Deja Vu 9pt: Regular, Bold, Italics
>>> Deja Vu 12pt: Regular, Bold, Italics
>>> Russian Language Support
>>> ------------------------
>>> To input text in Russian language, install a font supporting the
>>> Cyrillic alphabet, then switch the locale accordingly:
>>> TTFileDescription installFamilyNamed: 'Arial'.
>>> Locale switchToID: (LocaleID isoLanguage: 'ru').
>>> This will enable Russian text input, display and processing.
>>> Improved Truetype Support
>>> -------------------------
>>> The new TTFileDescription works just like TTFontDescription but operates
>>> on the files directly on disk. This helps greatly to support the m17n
>>> efforts since we no longer load all the fonts into memory. To use the
>>> available fonts on your platform, select some text, hit Cmd-k (Alt-k)
>>> and select "More (non-portable) fonts".
>>> Full Closure Support
>>> --------------------
>>> This is a closure converted image. With full closure support, you can
>>> finally use recursive blocks like here:
>>> fac := [:n| n > 1 ifTrue:[n * (fac value: n-1)] ifFalse:[1]].
>>> fac value: 5.
>>> and close over temps correctly, such as here:
>>> (1 to: 10) do:[:i| WorldState addDeferredUIMessage:[Transcript cr;
>>> show: i]].
>>> A new Development Model
>>> -----------------------
>>> This image is being developed using a new development model described at
>>> http://board.squeak.org/2009/07/02/a-new-community-development-model/
>>> The image itself started as Squeak3.10.2-7179-basic.image. It was then
>>> updated from http://source.squeak.org/trunk. In order to keep track of
>>> ongoing development, simply hit the 'Load Code Updates' button.
>>> ------ End of Forwarded Message
>>> Esto es de la mayor importancia y nos da varias enseñanzas.
>>> Como saben los pocos que me dan bola, hace dos años que vengo pidiendo
>>> esto..
>>> A pesar de matarme, mandar muchos mails e intentar llegar a algo, Andreas
>>> ha
>>> decidido hacer la suya.
>>> Que sera la de todos, me guste o no, sean mis locuras mejores o no.
>>> Al menos la cosa se mueve.
>>> Quedara en mi y en alguno que me ayude demostrar que estoy en carrera, a
>>> pesar que no me consideren.
>>> Estamos haciendo experimentos con German A. para trabajar en conjunto,
>>> usando OldWarrior y las facilidades de SquekRosHeights.
>>> Quienes quieran participar, contactarse por privado.
>>> Edgar
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

Germán S. Arduino  <gsa @ arsol.net>   Twitter: garduino
Arduino Software & Web Hosting   http://www.arduinosoftware.com
PasswordsPro  http://www.passwordspro.com
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Re: FW: [squeak-dev] Updated trunk image (Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip)

Edgar J. De Cleene
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
> Great news.
> Thank you, German for willing to help.
> I found that sometimes i can't understand Edgar's messages completely.
> And many squeakers completely don't understand Spanish (including me).
> So, your help, even as minimal as just coordinating & communicating will be
> greatly appreciated. >

Great you write here and I wish some more answer back in English.
You not alone as we meet Alex Bergel in Buenos Aires and he is a great guy.
As this group is like a bar and coffe , you can write about any you wish.
We like know about Ukrania.
I still looking for people who understand Ukranian or  Russian in Rosario...


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Re: FW: [squeak-dev] Updated trunk image (Squeak3.11-8472-alpha.zip)

Alexandre Bergel-5
> Great you write here and I wish some more answer back in English.
> You not alone as we meet Alex Bergel in Buenos Aires and he is a  
> great guy.

Thanks :-)

> As this group is like a bar and coffe , you can write about any you  
> wish.
> We like know about Ukrania.

Ukraine and Argentina are two wonderful countries and great people! I  
feel lucky to know them.

> I still looking for people who understand Ukranian or Russian in  
> Rosario...

And me in Santiago de Chile.



Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu


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