FW: [squeak-dev] Why a package management system (Was: Re: Help system now for Squeak and Pharo)

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FW: [squeak-dev] Why a package management system (Was: Re: Help system now for Squeak and Pharo)

Edgar J. De Cleene

A ver si alguno pone un poco de ganas y buaca y traduce la información de

Yo no lo he usado y no tengo tiempo para ponerme con mas cosas.
Hay quienes piensan que Metacello es la gran solucieon que el mundo Squeak
espera mientras que pienso que el problema se puede solucionar con
Codeloader mejorado.

Lo que si se viene, por primera vez en todos estos años, es un sistema de

Estaría bueno que ese sistema tenga desde el primer dia mas cosas en
castellano que en inglés.

Siempre nos hemos quejado de la falta de documentación, no es cierto ?

Si no somos parte de la solución , somos parte del problema.
En una comunidad abierta (open source) neesitamos que nos escuchen.
Y como dicen en el norte, no existe una cena gratis.
El 'Free' no significa que otro va a trabajar para nosotros.

------ Forwarded Message
From: Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
<[hidden email]>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 01:02:56 +0100
To: <[hidden email]>
Subject: [squeak-dev] Why a package management system (Was: Re: Help system
now for Squeak and Pharo)

Andreas Raab wrote:
> BTW, for people who'd like to install HelpSystem with Installer instead
> of Metacello, use this:


As Yanni already answered to you: the Metacello code would load version
'1.0' of the help system -
so it loads a A CLEARLY DEFINED MILESTONE with packages that are intended to
work together and which is also intended by the author for others to use.

If I later define a '1.1' or '1.2' milestone any user could decide if he is
ready to adapt his own code (if it is based on my project) to my new
releases or if he (for whatever reasons) continues with one of my old
releases, like 1.0.

Your Installer code would ALWAYS load the latest of each monticello
package in the repo. So depending on the time you run it (and the state
of the repo) you get DIFFERENT results and may break code. Thats horrible!

By using Metacello a projects author can make specific versions/package
configurations available to others and afterwards commit new code to the
repo without affection others.

> This installs in a fraction of the time and space.

Hey, installer is just a loader. Metacello is a package management
system!!! Ever worked with Envy or Maven in Java, ...?

Without Metacello (or a comparable package management system) we
will NEVER SCALE projects or allow that they develop independent
from each other without breaking each other! Especially when
they are managed outside of the image - and I think that's our goal:
a small kernel image and external projects/packages that could be
loaded (and that fit together to work and could be based on another).

Metacello does the minimal thing to manage that and even if it
may require more work (especially on tools) it does a fairly good job
already. You just have to learn about it and about modularity.

Think of the following scenario:

 There is a project "MyDatabaseDriver" done by Mr. Bean. He creates
 two Monticello packages:

Since his initial implementation (even after three commits for the
core) seems good enough, he will create a first milestone/version for others
to use.

He could have written an InstallScript ... but he knows about
the advantages of a package management system and therefore
takes the 5 minutes tutorial to learn about Metacello.

He creates a class "ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver" since he learned
that Metacello uses a simple class with methods to describe the load order
and version of the packages that fit together. (Java's Maven for instance
uses XML files, so called POM's).

First Mr. Bean describes a baseline, which is nothing then the
structure and dependencies (load order) of the packages. In our Metacello
this is simple done by defining a method on the projects configuration
class (which is ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver):

    baseline10: spec
 <version: '1.0-baseline'>
        spec for: #common do: [
                blessing: #baseline;
                repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/MyDatabaseDriver';
  package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core'.
                package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests' with: [spec requires:

(*Side Note: you could chain any message to spec to be more compact here -
but this example
            is intended for readability).

Anything Mr Bean has done in his first baseline method is to describe in a
declarative way that he
has two packages in an own repository - where the second one (the tests)
require the actual
code to run. So the test code is dependent on the code he tests.

He also desribes the version of these Monticello packages that are know to
together in a second method to define a first milestone (also "Metacello
version 1.0" or
"version 1.0 of the MyDatabaseDriver project"):

    version10: spec
 <version: '1.0' imports: #('1.0-baseline')>

 spec for: #common do: [
  spec blessing: #release.
  spec author: 'Mr. Bean'.
  spec description: 'First release 1.0 of this project '.
                    package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core' with:
      package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests' with:

Since he wanted to share it he put his new configuration class
in a Monticello package with the same name and uploads it to

He now announces it on the developer list and tell other to load the project
by getting the package
(either manual, using Gofer or Installer) and then evaluating:

   (ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver project version: '1.0') load

Hey - cool. Another developer (Mr. Frog) responded friendly on the
mailinglist, told Mr. Bean
that he found a bug and wanted to help with the project since he also knows
how to fix this bug.
He was added as a new developer on
http://www.squeaksource.com/MyDatabaseDriver by Mr. Bean
and he created two new versions of the Monticello packages:


Time to share this new milestone again, so Mr. Bean adapted the
"ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver" with a
new method for the new version of the whole project 1.1:

  version11: spec
 <version: '1.1' imports: #('1.0-baseline')>

 spec for: #common do: [
  spec blessing: #release.
  spec author: 'Mr. Bean'.
  spec description: 'New release 1.1 of this project done with the Help of
Mr. Frog'.
                    package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core' with:
      package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests' with:

Since the load order has'nt changed he just has to tell which new Monticello
packages make up
the new release.

He uploaded this change to Squeaksource and anyone is able to load the new
version with the fix:

   (ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver project version: '1.1') load

Cool. But even the old configuration 1.0 is still loadable (if one requires

   (ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver project version: '1.0') load

No magic - but very very helpful! Think of a company who created an image
for a customer
based on the initial version 1.0 of the driver. If they have to rebuild this
image exactly the
same as it was - no problem with a package management system they are able
to load version 1.0 even
after some years.

OK - let's go ahead. Mr. Bean and Mr. Frog are now continue to work and
since the core
is growing they want to split this package. They also use a database which
allows for
standard SQL like stuff as well as database specific stuff. Another reason
to split the core.

So they split the "Core" package into a "Core-SQL" and "Core-NonStandard",
end up with three packages now:


Time for them to make a new new milestone 1.2 for the project. With the new
they have to define a new baseline which is easily done:

  baseline12: spec
 <version: '1.2-baseline'>
        spec for: #common do: [
                blessing: #baseline;
                repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/MyDatabaseDriver';
  package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-SQL'.
  package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-NonStandard'.
                package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests' with: [spec requires:
#('MyDatabaseDriver-Core-SQL' 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-NonStandard')].

Note that the test package is not splitted - and now require both new core
packages as prerequisite.

And a new version for the project (now based on the second baseline) is made

   version12: spec
 <version: '1.2' imports: #('1.2-baseline')>

 spec for: #common do: [
  spec blessing: #release.
  spec author: 'Mr. Frog'.
  spec description: 'New release 1.2 with improvements and separate standard
SQL from database specific'.
                    package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-SQL' with:
                    package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-NonStandard' with:
      package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests' with:

Again they write a mail to the developer list.
>From the users point of view nothing really changed to get the new project

   (ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver project version: '1.2') load

And again: you still can load the old versions "1.0" and '1.1' using the

So if have an app with code that still uses version 1.1. of the database
driver you are able to do so -
if you find the time to adapt your code to all the new changes from Mr. Bean
and Mr. Frog
you can already switch to version 1.2.

*Also note that the old "MyDatabaseDriver-Core-frog.4.mcz" is not removed
from the
 repository so that version 1.0 and 1.1. are still working.

This is only a short introduction of what you can do with Metacello. As a
package management
system it allows you to declare/load/share defined points of your
development independent

If you want to do professional and reproducable development using such a
system is essential!

It's also a new way of communication, if you for instance want to know which
of "KomHttpServer" is the latest stable just check out
in http://squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository and you will easily find out
once you
have understood the simple basics of Metacello.

If you want to learn more on Metacello just

   - read
     (outdated, but gives an overview of the goals)

   - then read

   - browse the text and examples in the metacello tutorial:

       ConfigurationOfMetacello project latestVersion load:

   - read http://code.google.com/p/metacello

Or check out the various configurations already available at
(start with simple ones like ConfigurationOfVistaCursors,
ConfigurationOfScriptManager and
 then look at ConfigurationOfVMMaker, ConfigurationOfSQLite3, or

If you want to see how you can even automate image building of a whole
seaside application
using Metacello check out

Metacello is not yet complete - but usable. Hope it will evolve -
especially in the tools space. Look at Java where you can even
visually browse the dependencies [1] and find cycles and conflicts, ...

Sorry for the long post - but I hope I was able to wet your appetite towards
modular Smalltalk.



NEU: Mit GMX DSL über 1000,- ¿ sparen!

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Re: FW: [squeak-dev] Why a package management system (Was: Re: Help system now for Squeak and Pharo)


Como ya te comenté ayer, yo estoy fuertemente a favor de Metacello, creo que
muchas cosas que llevará mucho trabajo hacerlas de nuevo, sólo para tener
algo que haga
lo mismo.

No comparto los correos de K, que sigue llorando porque la gente no usa sus
cosas, que
por algo será que no las usan........


2010/2/22 Edgar J. De Cleene <[hidden email]>

> Gentes;
> A ver si alguno pone un poco de ganas y buaca y traduce la información de
> Metacello.
> Yo no lo he usado y no tengo tiempo para ponerme con mas cosas.
> Hay quienes piensan que Metacello es la gran solucieon que el mundo Squeak
> espera mientras que pienso que el problema se puede solucionar con
> Codeloader mejorado.
> Lo que si se viene, por primera vez en todos estos años, es un sistema de
> Help.
> Estaría bueno que ese sistema tenga desde el primer dia mas cosas en
> castellano que en inglés.
> Siempre nos hemos quejado de la falta de documentación, no es cierto ?
> Si no somos parte de la solución , somos parte del problema.
> En una comunidad abierta (open source) neesitamos que nos escuchen.
> Y como dicen en el norte, no existe una cena gratis.
> El 'Free' no significa que otro va a trabajar para nosotros.
> ------ Forwarded Message
> From: Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email] <astares%40gmx.de>>
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <[hidden email]<squeak-dev%40lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> >
> Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 01:02:56 +0100
> To: <[hidden email]<squeak-dev%40lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> >
> Subject: [squeak-dev] Why a package management system (Was: Re: Help system
> now for Squeak and Pharo)
> Andreas Raab wrote:
> > BTW, for people who'd like to install HelpSystem with Installer instead
> > of Metacello, use this:
> >
> NOOOO!!!!!
> As Yanni already answered to you: the Metacello code would load version
> '1.0' of the help system -
> so it loads a A CLEARLY DEFINED MILESTONE with packages that are intended
> to
> work together and which is also intended by the author for others to use.
> If I later define a '1.1' or '1.2' milestone any user could decide if he is
> ready to adapt his own code (if it is based on my project) to my new
> releases or if he (for whatever reasons) continues with one of my old
> releases, like 1.0.
> Your Installer code would ALWAYS load the latest of each monticello
> package in the repo. So depending on the time you run it (and the state
> of the repo) you get DIFFERENT results and may break code. Thats horrible!
> By using Metacello a projects author can make specific versions/package
> configurations available to others and afterwards commit new code to the
> repo without affection others.
> > This installs in a fraction of the time and space.
> Hey, installer is just a loader. Metacello is a package management
> system!!! Ever worked with Envy or Maven in Java, ...?
> Without Metacello (or a comparable package management system) we
> will NEVER SCALE projects or allow that they develop independent
> from each other without breaking each other! Especially when
> they are managed outside of the image - and I think that's our goal:
> a small kernel image and external projects/packages that could be
> loaded (and that fit together to work and could be based on another).
> Metacello does the minimal thing to manage that and even if it
> may require more work (especially on tools) it does a fairly good job
> already. You just have to learn about it and about modularity.
> Think of the following scenario:
> ================================
> There is a project "MyDatabaseDriver" done by Mr. Bean. He creates
> two Monticello packages:
> MyDatabaseDriver-Core-bean.3.mcz
> MyDatabaseDriver-Tests-bean.1.mcz
> Since his initial implementation (even after three commits for the
> core) seems good enough, he will create a first milestone/version for
> others
> to use.
> He could have written an InstallScript ... but he knows about
> the advantages of a package management system and therefore
> takes the 5 minutes tutorial to learn about Metacello.
> He creates a class "ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver" since he learned
> that Metacello uses a simple class with methods to describe the load order
> and version of the packages that fit together. (Java's Maven for instance
> uses XML files, so called POM's).
> First Mr. Bean describes a baseline, which is nothing then the
> structure and dependencies (load order) of the packages. In our Metacello
> example
> this is simple done by defining a method on the projects configuration
> class (which is ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver):
> baseline10: spec
> <version: '1.0-baseline'>
> spec for: #common do: [
> spec
> blessing: #baseline;
> repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/MyDatabaseDriver';
> spec
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core'.
> spec
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests' with: [spec requires:
> 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core'].
> ].
> (*Side Note: you could chain any message to spec to be more compact here -
> but this example
> is intended for readability).
> Anything Mr Bean has done in his first baseline method is to describe in a
> declarative way that he
> has two packages in an own repository - where the second one (the tests)
> require the actual
> code to run. So the test code is dependent on the code he tests.
> He also desribes the version of these Monticello packages that are know to
> work
> together in a second method to define a first milestone (also "Metacello
> version 1.0" or
> "version 1.0 of the MyDatabaseDriver project"):
> version10: spec
> <version: '1.0' imports: #('1.0-baseline')>
> spec for: #common do: [
> spec blessing: #release.
> spec author: 'Mr. Bean'.
> spec description: 'First release 1.0 of this project '.
> spec
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core' with:
> 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-bean.3';
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests' with:
> 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests-bean.1';
> ].
> Since he wanted to share it he put his new configuration class
> "ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver"
> in a Monticello package with the same name and uploads it to
> "http://squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository"
> He now announces it on the developer list and tell other to load the
> project
> by getting the package
> (either manual, using Gofer or Installer) and then evaluating:
> (ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver project version: '1.0') load
> Hey - cool. Another developer (Mr. Frog) responded friendly on the
> mailinglist, told Mr. Bean
> that he found a bug and wanted to help with the project since he also knows
> how to fix this bug.
> He was added as a new developer on
> http://www.squeaksource.com/MyDatabaseDriver by Mr. Bean
> and he created two new versions of the Monticello packages:
> MyDatabaseDriver-Core-frog.4.mcz
> MyDatabaseDriver-Tests-frog.2.mcz
> Time to share this new milestone again, so Mr. Bean adapted the
> "ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver" with a
> new method for the new version of the whole project 1.1:
> version11: spec
> <version: '1.1' imports: #('1.0-baseline')>
> spec for: #common do: [
> spec blessing: #release.
> spec author: 'Mr. Bean'.
> spec description: 'New release 1.1 of this project done with the Help of
> Mr. Frog'.
> spec
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core' with:
> 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-frog.4';
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests' with:
> 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests-frog.2';
> ].
> Since the load order has'nt changed he just has to tell which new
> Monticello
> packages make up
> the new release.
> He uploaded this change to Squeaksource and anyone is able to load the new
> version with the fix:
> (ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver project version: '1.1') load
> Cool. But even the old configuration 1.0 is still loadable (if one requires
> it):
> (ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver project version: '1.0') load
> No magic - but very very helpful! Think of a company who created an image
> for a customer
> based on the initial version 1.0 of the driver. If they have to rebuild
> this
> image exactly the
> same as it was - no problem with a package management system they are able
> to load version 1.0 even
> after some years.
> OK - let's go ahead. Mr. Bean and Mr. Frog are now continue to work and
> since the core
> is growing they want to split this package. They also use a database which
> allows for
> standard SQL like stuff as well as database specific stuff. Another reason
> to split the core.
> So they split the "Core" package into a "Core-SQL" and "Core-NonStandard",
> and
> end up with three packages now:
> MyDatabaseDriver-Core-SQL-bean.1.mcz
> MyDatabaseDriver-Core-NonStandard-frog.1.mcz
> MyDatabaseDriver-Tests-frog.3.mcz
> Time for them to make a new new milestone 1.2 for the project. With the new
> packages
> they have to define a new baseline which is easily done:
> baseline12: spec
> <version: '1.2-baseline'>
> spec for: #common do: [
> spec
> blessing: #baseline;
> repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/MyDatabaseDriver';
> spec
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-SQL'.
> spec
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-NonStandard'.
> spec
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests' with: [spec requires:
> #('MyDatabaseDriver-Core-SQL' 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-NonStandard')].
> ].
> Note that the test package is not splitted - and now require both new core
> packages as prerequisite.
> And a new version for the project (now based on the second baseline) is
> made
> accordingly:
> version12: spec
> <version: '1.2' imports: #('1.2-baseline')>
> spec for: #common do: [
> spec blessing: #release.
> spec author: 'Mr. Frog'.
> spec description: 'New release 1.2 with improvements and separate standard
> SQL from database specific'.
> spec
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-SQL' with:
> 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core--SQL-bean.1';
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-NonStandard' with:
> 'MyDatabaseDriver-Core-NonStandard-frog.1';
> package: 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests' with:
> 'MyDatabaseDriver-Tests-frog.3';
> ].
> Again they write a mail to the developer list.
> >From the users point of view nothing really changed to get the new project
> version:
> (ConfigurationOfMyDatabaseDriver project version: '1.2') load
> And again: you still can load the old versions "1.0" and '1.1' using the
> configuration.
> So if have an app with code that still uses version 1.1. of the database
> driver you are able to do so -
> if you find the time to adapt your code to all the new changes from Mr.
> Bean
> and Mr. Frog
> you can already switch to version 1.2.
> *Also note that the old "MyDatabaseDriver-Core-frog.4.mcz" is not removed
> from the
> repository so that version 1.0 and 1.1. are still working.
> This is only a short introduction of what you can do with Metacello. As a
> package management
> system it allows you to declare/load/share defined points of your
> development independent
> If you want to do professional and reproducable development using such a
> system is essential!
> It's also a new way of communication, if you for instance want to know
> which
> version
> of "KomHttpServer" is the latest stable just check out
> "ConfigurationOfKomHttpServer"
> in http://squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository and you will easily find
> out
> once you
> have understood the simple basics of Metacello.
> If you want to learn more on Metacello just
> - read
> http://gemstonesoup.wordpress.com/2009/08/25/metacello-package-management-fo
> r-monticello/
> (outdated, but gives an overview of the goals)
> - then read
> http://gemstonesoup.wordpress.com/2009/10/14/a-shiny-new-api-for-metacello/
> - browse the text and examples in the metacello tutorial:
> ConfigurationOfMetacello project latestVersion load:
> 'Metacello-Tutorial'.
> - read http://code.google.com/p/metacello
> Or check out the various configurations already available at
> http://squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository
> (start with simple ones like ConfigurationOfVistaCursors,
> ConfigurationOfScriptManager and
> then look at ConfigurationOfVMMaker, ConfigurationOfSQLite3, or
> ConfigurationOfSeaside30.
> If you want to see how you can even automate image building of a whole
> seaside application
> using Metacello check out
> http://astares.blogspot.com/2010/01/pharo-10-release-candidate-2-and-image.h
> tml
> Metacello is not yet complete - but usable. Hope it will evolve -
> especially in the tools space. Look at Java where you can even
> visually browse the dependencies [1] and find cycles and conflicts, ...
> Sorry for the long post - but I hope I was able to wet your appetite
> towards
> modular Smalltalk.
> Bye
> T.
> [1]
> https://docs.sonatype.org/download/attachments/1999021/pom-dependency-graph.
> png?version=1&modificationDate=1212678465631
> --
> NEU: Mit GMX DSL über 1000,- ¿ sparen!
> http://portal.gmx.net/de/go/dsl02
> ------ End of Forwarded Message

Germán S. Arduino  <gsa @ arsol.net>   Twitter: garduino
Arduino Software & Web Hosting   http://www.arduinosoftware.com
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