Failed: OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm#1795 (Cog - 4a3b1d4)

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Failed: OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm#1795 (Cog - 4a3b1d4)

Travis CI




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clock icon54 mins and 43 secs

Nicolas Cellier avatarNicolas Cellier

Merge pull request #419 from ronsaldo/bug/fix-minheadless-squeakssl-mac-build

Minheadless SqueakSSL plugin compilation bug fix

Notes from ronsaldo:

On the minheadless VM that is built using cmake, the add_vm_plugin_sources cmake macro requires specifying the the plugin sources explicitly, which is omitting the src/plugins/SqueakSSL/SqueakSSL.c in the compilation of the plugin. By using the other macro (add_vm_plugin_auto), the platform specific files are automatically found with a glob pattern. This is a mistake that I introduced myself. This problem can be reproduced in Pharo using the minheadless vm of this repository on OS X with the following script:

url := '' asZnUrl.
ZnClient new
url: url;

Additional note: why Mac needs the explicit ${SqueakSSL_Sources} while Windows and Unix don't?

In the case of the minheadless VM for OS X, we are treating the VM as it were an unix since we are removing all of the platform specific windowing code in this VM variant. For this reason, in the cases where OS X is different than another unix, the plugin code has to be added manually.

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