FileHandleTest>>#testTruncate Pharo test case for FilePlugin/ CogVM on 64bit linux

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FileHandleTest>>#testTruncate Pharo test case for FilePlugin/ CogVM on 64bit linux

Markus Fritsche-4
(resend because I hit send before I confirmed the subscription)


not sure if this is the right place or not.

The above test fails for me. The assert fails since the result of handle
size is 5, not 3 as expected. I tested on 32 bit Windows, 32 bit Linux
(ext4) and 64 bit Linux (btrfs), and only the 64 bit version fails. I am
using Ubuntu 13.10 and 14.04 64 bits (12.04 32 bits).

I am not sure if this is architecture or file system related yet.

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Re: FileHandleTest>>#testTruncate Pharo test case for FilePlugin/ CogVM on 64bit linux

Markus Fritsche-4
On 09.04.2014 22:00, Markus Fritsche wrote:

> I am not sure if this is architecture or file system related yet.

Same on ext4fs, so it's not caused by the file system.

Best regards,
VM-beginners mailing list
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Eureka! FileHandleTest>>#testTruncate Pharo test case for FilePlugin/ CogVM on 64bit linux

Markus Fritsche-4

>> I am not sure if this is architecture or file system related yet.

> Same on ext4fs, so it's not caused by the file system.

As by
- a file descriptor needs to be flushed before being truncated. It seems
to be coincidence that this has worked on 32 bit systems.

The FilePlugin doesn't do that. Should the FileHandle class be changed
for this, the Plugin code, or is the test invalid?

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