First greek EToys image...

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First greek EToys image...

Chris Petsos
Guys this is the first experimantal version of a greek EToys image...
Of course it bundles with the latest unicode VM...
Try it out if you want...
The thing i want to answer is if anyone has a clue why every time i open the image it turns the locale back to english, despite the fact that i've saved it with the locale turned to greek ('el').
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Re: First greek EToys image...

Yoshiki Ohshima

> The thing i want to answer is if anyone has a clue why every time i open the image it turns the locale back to english,
> despite the fact that i've saved it with the locale turned to greek ('el').

  Did somebody answer that you should turn off #useLocale preferences?
From 'help...' -> 'preferences...', you can turn that off.

-- Yoshiki