Forum access

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Forum access

James Davis
This might be a bit off-topic, so please excuse!

I have tried to join the forums, but when I tried, I saw an error  
message about an email not being sent, which I assume was the  
confirmation email requiring a reply? In any case, the forum software  
recognizes my email, but my account is inactive (or not activated).  
The only "administrator" account I could find went to "[hidden email]
" which I am guessing maybe isn't monitored?

The user id I used was: jd555

If anyone has an email address I can reach to pursue this,  I will  
appreciate it...

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Re: Forum access

Bert Freudenberg
On 28.11.2009, at 19:55, James Davis wrote:
This might be a bit off-topic, so please excuse!

I have tried to join the forums, but when I tried, I saw an error message about an email not being sent, which I assume was the confirmation email requiring a reply? In any case, the forum software recognizes my email, but my account is inactive (or not activated). The only "administrator" account I could find went to "[hidden email]" which I am guessing maybe isn't monitored?

The user id I used was: jd555

If anyone has an email address I can reach to pursue this,  I will appreciate it...


Asking on this list is okay. The forums are maintained by but he reads this is too.

And thanks for your nice blog post :)

Technology and education: I attempt to develop something with Etoys
By jd 
Etoys works best, like most things, when it is used for what it was designed for. Etoys is something of a desktop lab for exploring concepts -- check out what's on the shelf, see what happens when you mix things, hope not to blow ...
Technology and education -

- Bert -

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