Freetype plugin on windows

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Freetype plugin on windows

Igor Stasenko
Built it ok as external plugin, since in sources there is already a
prebuilt library (freetype.a).
The problem however is that VM crashing once you attempting to use it.

I think i will do the same as for macs, and build library from
scratch, because there is no clue, what version of freetype was used
to build freetype.a
and most probably it was compiled using pretty old compiler (2.95)
which is used for years to build squeak vms.
So, a reason of failure could be that it simply doesn't fit well with
msys compiler which used to build cog.

For curious, i attaching crash log.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

crash.dmp (24K) Download Attachment
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Re: Freetype plugin on windows

Igor Stasenko
It fails in memory (re)allocation routines, if i link library statically.
However, if i link with it dynamically, everything works (except from
bogus fonts discovery code which tries to scan whole hard drive,
because of a little bug in getWindowsFontFolderPath.

So, i think it will go like that,
i will write a config build a freetype library , and plugin will link
with libfreetype-6.dll (instead of statically linking with library)

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.