Begin forwarded message:
> From: Marcus Denker <
[hidden email]>
> Date: 16. November 2007 20:29:03 GMT+01:00
> Subject: Directions + Last infos Smalltalk meeting
> Hello,
> Here is some last minute information for tommorrows meeting.
> Where?
> -----------
> We will have the meeting room of SCG.
> Schützenmattstrasse 14/ Room 107
> 3012 Bern / Switzerland
> As it is saturday, the buildings main door and the gates to the
> campus might be closed.
> -> Enter the campus via the entrance Engelhaldenstrasse.
> -> If the door of buildign S14 is locked, pleade call my
> cellphone
> +41 76 565 35 47
> I will be there starting around 9:45.
> Equipment?
> -----------------
> -> Room has a (new!) Beamer
> -> SCG video camera will be available.
> -> Coffee machine
> -> some Machines (Macs) can be organized if needed.
> Food?
> ---------
> -> Cookies and Drinks will be organized
> -> Pizza for lunch, but we are late-bound to decide something else
> -> For those who want, we will go for a beer in the evening.
> Marcus
> --
> Marcus Denker --
[hidden email]
Marcus Denker --
[hidden email]