Fwd: Nomination of Edgar J. De Cleene for the Squeak Foundation Board

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Fwd: Nomination of Edgar J. De Cleene for the Squeak Foundation Board

Para los que no siguen squeak-dev recuerden que estamos en plena época de
elecciones de un nuevo Board y tenemos un candidato argentino, muy conocido
por nosotros!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ron Teitelbaum <[hidden email]>
Date: 19-feb-2008 11:47
Subject: Nomination of Edgar J. De Cleene for the Squeak Foundation Board
To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list <
[hidden email]>
Cc: "Edgar J. De Cleene" <[hidden email]>

Hello All,

I would like to nominate Edgar J. De Cleene for the Squeak Foundation Board.
There are a few really good and spirited volunteers that stand up and try to
make a real practical difference in the community.  Edgar has worked
extremely hard to try to support the release team.  This is not always and
easy job.  We do not often show enough support for the release team or
participate in the decisions that need to be made.

>From all the hard work Edgar has accomplished and all that he has learned
dealing directly with the community, I believe that Edgar will make a good
addition to the board.

Therefore I nominate Edgar J. De Cleene for the Squeak Foundation Board.

Ron Teitelbaum
Squeak Community Member