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Fwd: [Smalltalks 2012] --- Actividades en la Universidad de Quilmes

Andres Valloud-5

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andres Valloud <[hidden email]>
Date: Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:13 AM
Subject: [Smalltalks 2012] --- Actividades en la Universidad de Quilmes
To: [hidden email]

Hola a todos,

El dia Viernes 2/11 se realizará un Seminario de Charlas con Mircea
Lungu y Stefan Marr (dos de los keynote speakers de Smalltalks 2012)
en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.

El mismo será realizado en el Aula 204 de 17hs a 19hs.

Les pedimos a todos los interesados que se registren en:


Las charlas con las cuales contará el seminario serán las siguientes:

"What I talk about when I talk about analyzing software ecosystems"
(by Mircea Lungu)

Abstract: Software analysis techniques have been around for a long
time, but they have been always working at the level of single
programs or single software systems. However, the progress in analysis
technology, and the growth of the available software allows a new type
of analysis: the analysis of software ecosystems.

Website: http://scg.unibe.ch/staff/mircea

"A brief Introduction to Multicore Programming" (by Stefan Marr)

Since multicore processors have reached all kinds of devices from
mobile phones to high-end servers, more software developers are
required to exploit them properly. This presentation introduces
parallel fork/join programming and event-loop actors. These
two approaches enable developers to leverage multiple cores with
programming abstractions that avoid common low-level concurrency bugs.

Website: http://www.stefan-marr.de/

Los esperamos a todos (docentes y alumnos) a participar de este seminario.


Gabriela Arevalo