Fwd: Squeak Oversight Board Election 2018

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Fwd: Squeak Oversight Board Election 2018

Ron Teitelbaum

Hi All,

Thank you to everyone that has served on the Squeak Oversight Board in the past and for all of you that are running to serve this year.  

We currently have 7 candidates for 7 seats.  

Marcel Taeumel
Bert Freudenberg
Tim Rowledge
Eliot Miranda
Jecel Assumpcao Jr.
David T. Lewis
Craig Latta

Please don't let this keep you from entering the race.  Consider running yourself or I would encourage you to continue to find others and encourage them to run for the board!  

We love having more than 7 candidates!

Now a little about voting.  If you are not on the voter list now is the time to get on it.  If you are part of this community, even if you just read the list and use Squeak, you too can vote.  Send me a letter telling me why you want to vote, or get a Squeaker to contact me and I'll add you.  Also if your email has changed or if you didn't get a ballot last year please let me know.

You can reach me at [hidden email] or send me a direct email.  

All the best,

Ron Teitelbaum 

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 4:21 PM, Craig Latta <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi all--

     I'd like to serve on the Squeak Oversight Board again this year.

     I'm encouraged by livecoding experiments I've done combining Bert's
SqueakJS with several web frameworks (see thiscontext.com), and would
like to push that further with other interested folks. I think such
efforts are useful for navigating and crossing into the development
worlds around us, discovering new application areas for us. I'm also
excited by the 2018 interests of the other candidates, and would love to
join them.


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