Anyone interested?
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Squeak and RosettaCode
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 03:37:59 +0000
From: Bruce Axtens <
[hidden email]>
Message body follows:
Dear Sir
Squeak is a significant accomplishment. More people should know
about it. May I suggest RosettaCode <>. This
is a programming chrestomathy site which compares languages by
defining tasks and challenging programmers to solve those tasks with
their preferred language.
I have no affiliation with the site. I am simply a programmer, attempting
these tasks with VBScript. I have benefited from facing these tasks, and
I am sure you shall also. It will also introduce more people to Squeak,
leading perhaps to a more widespread adoption of the language.
Kind regards,
Bruce M. Axtens