> From: tim Rowledge <
[hidden email]>
> Date: 13 janvier 2006 20:45:00 HNEC
> To: stéphane ducasse <
[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: What are the pending fixes for VMMaker
> On 13-Jan-06, at 11:26 AM, stéphane ducasse wrote:
>> Hi tim
>> I'm quite in rush in this moment, but I would like to take some
>> time to add the pending fixes for VMMaker or related.
>> Could you help me by sending me a list of issues (or mantis links)?
> Sure; sorry for the delay but you know what work can be like.
> Attached:-
> important
> VMM38-64bit-imageUpdates.1.cs - really ought to go into 3.8 update
> stream as well as 3.9
> VMM38-gc-instrument-image.1.cs - ditto
> usefull cleanups
> RemoveLeftoverVMMbits-38b4.1.cs - cleans out some leftover vmm
> methods that shouldn't be in the image
> WideStringPrimKill.1.cs - performance cleanup of left over string
> rework.
> LocalePluginAddins.1.cs - change methods to make use of
> LocalePlugin if it exists.
> Warning! I haven't had any opportunity to try these in a 3.9 image.
> The first two won't be any problem since they add to classes that
> shouldn't have changed.