Fwd: [scg-staff] [Choose-news] CHOOSE talk in Bern - Monday Sept 17 @ 17h30 - Robert Hirschfeld - Expressing Context-dependent Behavioral Variations with Context-oriented Programming

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Fwd: [scg-staff] [Choose-news] CHOOSE talk in Bern - Monday Sept 17 @ 17h30 - Robert Hirschfeld - Expressing Context-dependent Behavioral Variations with Context-oriented Programming

Marcus Denker

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Oscar Nierstrasz <[hidden email]>
> Date: 10. September 2007 11:36:11 GMT+02:00
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [scg-staff] [Choose-news] CHOOSE talk in Bern - Monday  
> Sept 17 @ 17h30 - Robert Hirschfeld - Expressing Context-dependent  
> Behavioral Variations with Context-oriented Programming
> The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a  
> presentation by
> Robert Hirschfeld (HPI Potsdam, Germany) on 'Expressing Context-
> dependent Behavioral Variations with Context-oriented Programming'.
> This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after
> the talk! Non-CHOOSE members are also welcome, and are encouraged to
> fill out the membership application form (http://www.s-i.ch/) before
> attending the meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and
> the events which CHOOSE organises, please visit www.choose.s-i.ch
> NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
> registration form at the end of this e-mail.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Expressing Context-dependent Behavioral Variations with Context-
> oriented Programming
> ======================================================================
> ==
> ============
> When: Monday, Sept 17, 2007
> Where: Universitaet Bern, Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
> Travel instructions: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Resources/Maps/
> Speaker
> -------
> Robert Hirschfeld, HPI Potsdam, Germany
> Expressing Context-dependent Behavioral Variations with Context-
> oriented Programming
> (joint work with Pascal Costanza, VUB Brussels, Belgium)
> Agenda
> ------
> 17h30 Talk and Q/A
> Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
> Abstract
> ========
> Context-oriented Programming, or COP, provides programmers with
> dedicated abstractions and mechanisms to concisely represent
> behavioral variations that depend on execution context. By treating
> context explicitly, and by directly supporting dynamic composition
> based on it, COP allows programmers to better express software
> entities that adapt their behavior late-bound, at runtime. Our
> presentation will illustrate COP constructs, their application, and
> their implementation, as well the relationship of COP to other
> approaches such as feature-oriented and aspect-oriented programming.
> We use Squeak as a programming environment to demonstrate sample
> scenarios.
> Bio
> ===
> Robert Hirschfeld is a Professor of Computer Science at the Hasso-
> Plattner-Institut in Potsdam. There he leads the Software
> Architecture Group that is concerned with fundamental elements and
> structures of software, developing methods and tools for improving
> the comprehension and design of complex systems. Robert Hirschfeld
> was a senior researcher with DoCoMo Euro-Labs, the European research
> facility of NTT DoCoMo Japan, where he worked on infrastructure
> components for next generation mobile systems with a focus on dynamic
> service adaptation and aspect-oriented programming. Prior to joining
> Euro-Labs, he was a principal engineer at Windward Solutions in
> Sunnyvale, California. Robert Hirschfeld received a Ph.D. in Computer
> Science form the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> ------------
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Marcus Denker  --  [hidden email]