Fwd: [seaBreeze-mailinglist] SeaBreeze on Pharo

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Fwd: [seaBreeze-mailinglist] SeaBreeze on Pharo

Emilio Oca-2
seaBreeze esta vivo!
Para aquellos que tengan experiencia en seaside les recomiendo darle una mirada.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Reinhard Heisterhagen <[hidden email]>
Date: Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [seaBreeze-mailinglist] SeaBreeze on Pharo
To: Ted Wrinch <[hidden email]>
Cc: [hidden email]


I've sent my answer to Ted and not to the list. So here it is again:

Hi Ted,

we are happy to hear your comments on our seaBreeze and we'd like to
see you work with it. But unfortunately our workload is to big and
capacities are to small to invest major efforts in further seaBreeze

We hope to release a new version of seaBreeze (on VisualWorks) before
ESUG but we have no capacities to port it to Pharo - sorry. Everyone
is free to do it himself, but we can't. But if you have any questions
in using seaBreeze of course we will help you

And Ted's answer:

Thanks for responding Rheinhart,
I understand your situation - being too rushed to do much more than
work on the current most urgent projects is all too common in this
industry. I am simply grateful that you have been able to give us this
great product at all and will look forward to the new release at ESUG,
if you are able to do that. I too am very busy at the moment, but if
the pressure of events eases a little perhaps I'll be able to get some
time to port SeaBreeze to Pharo - I'd like that.
Did you have any view on how much work might be needed to get
SeaBreeze to work in GLASS?
Best wishes,

Ted Wrinch
From my iPhone

I'm sorry again but we have no estimation on how much work it would be
to get seaBreeze to work with GLASS. We only can say that it takes
much more than a week end; there's a lot to do. But why not use a non
commercial version of VisualWorks? This will work out of the box and
VisualWorks is a really strong development platform.

Kind regards,

Reinhard Heisterhagen
Tel: +49 231 97599 0   Fax: +49 231 97599 20
Georg Heeg eK (Dortmund)
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Dortmund  A 12812

Ted Wrinch schrieb:

Hi SeaBreeze team,

I loaded up your SeaBreeze product from the CinCom public repository
and was really impressed! It's the best web UI builder I've seen and
significantly outclasses products like DreamWeaver and Expression
Blend in its level of server integration. But I really wish to work in
Pharo and I notice that the port in the repository is from '08, and
presumably only works with Seaside 2.8. Do you have a more up to date



Ted Wrinch

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Re: Fwd: [seaBreeze-mailinglist] SeaBreeze on Pharo

Edgar De Cleene
> seaBreeze esta vivo!
> Para aquellos que tengan experiencia en seaside les recomiendo darle una
> mirada.
> Saludos
> Emilio

Este proyecto sin duda merece darle una mirada.
De retomar un port de visual works , lo haría en Squeak, naturalmente.
Alguien se prende ?


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Re: Fwd: [seaBreeze-mailinglist] SeaBreeze on Pharo

A mi me interesa el producto, ya te lo comenté otras veces, pero hoy por hoy
estoy enfocado en Pharo y tengo ahí mi trabajo con cliente$ (como diría
Randal). Además Seaside se hace en Pharo y por último tengo la certeza que
vas a conseguir más ayuda del lado de Pharo que del lado de Squeak.

Pero bueno, es sólo mi opinión personal (que seguro no te va a gustar :) )


El 3 de agosto de 2011 13:43, Edgar J. De Cleene
<[hidden email]>escribió:

> **
> > seaBreeze esta vivo!
> > Para aquellos que tengan experiencia en seaside les recomiendo darle una
> > mirada.
> >
> > Saludos
> >
> > Emilio
> Este proyecto sin duda merece darle una mirada.
> De retomar un port de visual works , lo haría en Squeak, naturalmente.
> Alguien se prende ?
> Edgar