Fwd: [squeak-dev] Hawthorne Center's proposal for GSoC 2008

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Fwd: [squeak-dev] Hawthorne Center's proposal for GSoC 2008

Edgar J. De Cleene

Begin forwarded message:

From: <[hidden email]>
Date: March 10, 2008 8:53:59 PM GMT-02:00
To: "The general-purpose Squeak developers list"
<[hidden email]>
Subject: [squeak-dev] Hawthorne Center's proposal for
GSoC 2008
Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
<[hidden email]>

Hi All,
Apropo of an email I sent out last week, I am sending
to the list a draft of the proposal we at the
Hawthorne Center will be sending to GSoC 2008. If
anyone would like to be a mentor for this project
please contact me, Donna, ASAP at [hidden email].
Also, any feedback will be much appreciated.
Hawthorne Center for Innovation is dedicated to
advancing research and educational efforts that create
and transmit knowledge for the public good.  
Hawthorne Center for Innovation is seeking support to
further the vision of the Center’s research
scientist-in-residence, Ben Cooper, for a
next-generation internet that will be much more secure
and much more user-friendly than the current paradigm.
Ben Cooper has determined that 95 % the apps needed to
build this better internet have already been
developed, just not connected together.
The Center hopes by participating in GSoC 2008 to get
enough code written to go a long way towards
completing the 1st step in the connecting-up process;
i.e., to putting Jeff Raskin’s “zoom world” app into
Squeak Smalltalk’s ‘Morphic’ image.
Status of components necessary to complete a
next-generation web environment:
1)     ‘Morphic’ environment within Squeak needed to
replace HTML – 100% done.
2)     ‘Morphic’ – to - HTML translator – Needs to be
3)     HTML –to – ‘Morphic’ translator. Needs to be
4)     Classes within Squeak to handle server
functionality – 99 % (?) complete.
5)     Squeak ‘E-Toys’ functionality as superior
replacement for ‘Javascripts’. – 100% done.
6)     Passing of classes between Squeak images trough
use of Squeak’s 'Nebraska' code. – 90% (?) complete.
7)     Download of classes and methods through Craig
Latta’s ‘Spoon’ class server – 85% (?) complete.
8)     Incorporating Raskin’s zoom world into Squeak’s
‘Morphic’ environment – Needs to be done.
9)     Incorporating Raskin’s ‘Archie’ data structure
into Squeak’s 'Morphic' environment – Needs to be
10)  ‘Tea Time’ functionality, as per Croquet - a
superior real-time replacement for 'wiki' technology –
95% (?) complete.
Applications needed to launch a next-generation web:
1)     Squeak web-browser (that operates both on HTML
and OO message passing).
2)     Squeak “web”-server (serves up HTML or OO
'Moprhic' messages based on requesting browser).
3)     Secure Latta's ‘Spoon’ class server.
Road-Map to Next-Generation Internet
Steps needed to complete 1st generation apps:
1)     Produce classes and methods necessary to
translate Morphic objects into HTML code. (Code will
be produced in structured manner so that it is easily
transportable between images).
2)     Produce classes and methods necessary to
translate HTML code into 'Morphic' objects. (Code will
be produced in structured manner so that it is easily
transportable between images).
3)     Build classes and methods that incorporate
Raskin’s zoom-world into 'Morphic' environment.
4)     Finalize transmission of classes and methods
between server image and browser image (building upon
Squeak’s 'Nebraska' code).
5)     Complete Latta’s 'Spoon' class-server
6)     Produce Squeak’s web-server by integrating code
produced in steps 1, 3, 4, and 5.
7)     Produce Squeak web-browser by integrating code
produced in steps 2, 3, 4, and 5.
8)     Package Squeak’s web-browser so that it is
easily downloadable and launchable on all major OSs,
i.e., Linux, Windows, Mac OS, etc.
9)     Produce ‘Spoon’ server.
Proposed steps for 2nd generation apps:
1)     Secure transmission of classes and methods
between Latta’s ‘Spoon’ class server and the two apps:
Squeak web-browser and Squeak web-server.
2)     Set up both Squeak’s web-server and web-browser
to run without an underlying OS.
Advantages of this next-generation web technology:
1)     Backwards compatible with present internet.
2)     Greatly simplifies creating web content –
virtually anyone will be able to write dynamic web
content using morphic and e-toys technology.
3)     When data is shared between a Squeak server and
a Squeak browser, the interactions can be made not at
the HTML level but at the OO object message passing
level, greatly enhancing user experience.
4)     Eventual development of computing systems that
do not require an operating system, i.e., Linux,
Windows, Mac OS, etc.
5)     With these 4 steps completed, computer
hardware--based on a design by Ben Cooper-- can be
greatly simplified and substantially improved using
present chip technology.

I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private
It has removed 5481 spam emails to date.
Paying users do not have this message in their emails.
Try SPAMfighter for free now!

Vieron esto ?
Quienes son estos muchachos ?
Hay moneda ?

Los leo (espero)


      Tarjeta de crédito Yahoo! de Banco Supervielle.
Solicitá tu nueva Tarjeta de crédito. De tu PC directo a tu casa. www.tuprimeratarjeta.com.ar
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Re: Fwd: [squeak-dev] Hawthorne Center's proposal for GSoC 2008

Hola Edgar:

Welcome back...

Vi este mail y estuve mirando un poco la página del instituto ese. El
proyecto es más que interesante, aunque nunca mencionaron (que yo haya
visto) nada de $$$$.

Creo que más bien apuntan al SoC con algunos estudiantes, pero bueno,
con preguntar no se pierde nada.


2008/3/16, edgar De Cleene <[hidden email]>:

>  Begin forwarded message:
>  From: <[hidden email]>
>  Date: March 10, 2008 8:53:59 PM GMT-02:00
>  To: "The general-purpose Squeak developers list"
>  <[hidden email]>
>  Subject: [squeak-dev] Hawthorne Center's proposal for
>  GSoC 2008
>  Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
>  <[hidden email]>
>  Hi All,
>  Apropo of an email I sent out last week, I am sending
>  to the list a draft of the proposal we at the
>  Hawthorne Center will be sending to GSoC 2008. If
>  anyone would like to be a mentor for this project
>  please contact me, Donna, ASAP at [hidden email].
>  Also, any feedback will be much appreciated.
>  Thanks,
>  Donna
>  Hawthorne Center for Innovation is dedicated to
>  advancing research and educational efforts that create
>  and transmit knowledge for the public good.
>  Hawthorne Center for Innovation is seeking support to
>  further the vision of the Center's research
>  scientist-in-residence, Ben Cooper, for a
>  next-generation internet that will be much more secure
>  and much more user-friendly than the current paradigm.
>  Ben Cooper has determined that 95 % the apps needed to
>  build this better internet have already been
>  developed, just not connected together.
>  The Center hopes by participating in GSoC 2008 to get
>  enough code written to go a long way towards
>  completing the 1st step in the connecting-up process;
>  i.e., to putting Jeff Raskin's "zoom world" app into
>  Squeak Smalltalk's 'Morphic' image.
>  Status of components necessary to complete a
>  next-generation web environment:
>  1)     'Morphic' environment within Squeak needed to
>  replace HTML – 100% done.
>  2)     'Morphic' – to - HTML translator – Needs to be
>  built.
>  3)     HTML –to – 'Morphic' translator. Needs to be
>  built.
>  4)     Classes within Squeak to handle server
>  functionality – 99 % (?) complete.
>  5)     Squeak 'E-Toys' functionality as superior
>  replacement for 'Javascripts'. – 100% done.
>  6)     Passing of classes between Squeak images trough
>  use of Squeak's 'Nebraska' code. – 90% (?) complete.
>  7)     Download of classes and methods through Craig
>  Latta's 'Spoon' class server – 85% (?) complete.
>  8)     Incorporating Raskin's zoom world into Squeak's
>  'Morphic' environment – Needs to be done.
>  9)     Incorporating Raskin's 'Archie' data structure
>  into Squeak's 'Morphic' environment – Needs to be
>  done.
>  10)  'Tea Time' functionality, as per Croquet - a
>  superior real-time replacement for 'wiki' technology –
>  95% (?) complete.
>  Applications needed to launch a next-generation web:
>  1)     Squeak web-browser (that operates both on HTML
>  and OO message passing).
>  2)     Squeak "web"-server (serves up HTML or OO
>  'Moprhic' messages based on requesting browser).
>  3)     Secure Latta's 'Spoon' class server.
>  Road-Map to Next-Generation Internet
>  Steps needed to complete 1st generation apps:
>  1)     Produce classes and methods necessary to
>  translate Morphic objects into HTML code. (Code will
>  be produced in structured manner so that it is easily
>  transportable between images).
>  2)     Produce classes and methods necessary to
>  translate HTML code into 'Morphic' objects. (Code will
>  be produced in structured manner so that it is easily
>  transportable between images).
>  3)     Build classes and methods that incorporate
>  Raskin's zoom-world into 'Morphic' environment.
>  4)     Finalize transmission of classes and methods
>  between server image and browser image (building upon
>  Squeak's 'Nebraska' code).
>  5)     Complete Latta's 'Spoon' class-server
>  technology.
>  6)     Produce Squeak's web-server by integrating code
>  produced in steps 1, 3, 4, and 5.
>  7)     Produce Squeak web-browser by integrating code
>  produced in steps 2, 3, 4, and 5.
>  8)     Package Squeak's web-browser so that it is
>  easily downloadable and launchable on all major OSs,
>  i.e., Linux, Windows, Mac OS, etc.
>  9)     Produce 'Spoon' server.
>  Proposed steps for 2nd generation apps:
>  1)     Secure transmission of classes and methods
>  between Latta's 'Spoon' class server and the two apps:
>  Squeak web-browser and Squeak web-server.
>  2)     Set up both Squeak's web-server and web-browser
>  to run without an underlying OS.
>  Advantages of this next-generation web technology:
>  1)     Backwards compatible with present internet.
>  2)     Greatly simplifies creating web content –
>  virtually anyone will be able to write dynamic web
>  content using morphic and e-toys technology.
>  3)     When data is shared between a Squeak server and
>  a Squeak browser, the interactions can be made not at
>  the HTML level but at the OO object message passing
>  level, greatly enhancing user experience.
>  4)     Eventual development of computing systems that
>  do not require an operating system, i.e., Linux,
>  Windows, Mac OS, etc.
>  5)     With these 4 steps completed, computer
>  hardware--based on a design by Ben Cooper-- can be
>  greatly simplified and substantially improved using
>  present chip technology.
>  ----------------------------------------------------------
>  I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private
>  users.
>  It has removed 5481 spam emails to date.
>  Paying users do not have this message in their emails.
>  Try SPAMfighter for free now!
>  Vieron esto ?
>  Quienes son estos muchachos ?
>  Hay moneda ?
>  Los leo (espero)
>  Edgar
>  Tarjeta de crédito Yahoo! de Banco Supervielle.
>  Solicitá tu nueva Tarjeta de crédito. De tu PC directo a tu casa. www.tuprimeratarjeta.com.ar


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Re: Fwd: [squeak-dev] Hawthorne Center's proposal for GSoC 2008

Edgar J. De Cleene

--- Germán Arduino <[hidden email]> escribió:

> Hola Edgar:
> Welcome back...

Prematuro tu welcome, te contesto desde el telecentro
aqui al lado, por lo menos me ire enterando y poniendo
al dia...

> Vi este mail y estuve mirando un poco la página del
> instituto ese. El
> proyecto es más que interesante, aunque nunca
> mencionaron (que yo haya
> visto) nada de $$$$.
> Creo que más bien apuntan al SoC con algunos
> estudiantes, pero bueno,
> con preguntar no se pierde nada.
> Saludos.

Habrá que seguirlo, gracias

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