From: Eliot Miranda < [hidden email]> Date: October 29, 2018 at 11:53:37 AM PDT To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list < [hidden email]> Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] What should Integer>>digitCompare: return?
On Oct 29, 2018, at 11:46 AM, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Chris,
On Oct 28, 2018, at 3:41 PM, Chris Cunningham <[hidden email]> wrote:
Looking at LargeIntegers (I'm 64 bit, so these are big):
1152921504606846977 digitCompare: -1152921504606846977.
1152921504606846977 digitCompare: -1152921504606846978.
1152921504606846978 digitCompare: -1152921504606846977.
} "#(0 -1 1)"
1249 digitCompare: -1249.
1249 digitCompare: -1250.
1250 digitCompare: -1249.
} #(1 1 1)
this is correct. The primitive is supposed to answer -1, 0 or 1 depending on whether the (receiver digitAt: n) is <, =, or > the (argument digitAt: n) where n is either the first digit at which the receiver and argument differ or the last digit. Since digitAt: does not answer the 2’s complement bit-anded SmallIntegers are not actually inconsistent
-1 digitAt: 1 => 1
-1 digitAt: 2 => 0
1 digitAt: 1 => 1
1 digitAt: 2 => 0
SmallInteger minVal - 1 digitAt: Smalltalk wordSize => 16 (64-bits) 64 (32-bits)
SmallInteger maxVal + 1 digitAt: Smalltalk wordSize => 16 (64-bits) 64 (32-bits)
or more clearly:(SmallInteger minVal digitCompare: SmallInteger maxVal + 1) = 0As the comment says, digitCompare: compares the magnitudes, not the 2’s complement representations.
So the method needs a) a really good comment and b) a warning that this is private to the Integer hierarchy implementation and not for general use.
It looks to me like the use in DateAndTime is a hack that works because LastClockValue is always +ve.
_,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)