I am having trouble getting c preprocessor statements like #define and
#ifdef to work in the GLSL fragment shader source code I have been
playing with. I have seen no particular references to this kind of
problem on the OpenGL forums or at NVidia's developer site. I am
using fairly new NVidia drivers; I think they are Forceware version
91.85. The errors that I get say something like "invalid token '#',
name expected". Because there are some restrictions on where these
preprocessor directives can appear in the source, my current guess is
that this has something to do with line endings or something similar,
although the source code generally looks correct to me.
Any ideas on what else might be the problem or alternatives to try to
identify it?
I did try to run the same shader source in (defunct) Typhoon Labs'
ShaderDesigner and it compiled fine but wouldn't run, even though no
errors were indicated.
Thanks for any help you can offer.