GNU Smalltalk (Fwd: [Help-smalltalk] First GTK program with GNU Smalltalk)

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GNU Smalltalk (Fwd: [Help-smalltalk] First GTK program with GNU Smalltalk)

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-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [Help-smalltalk] First GTK program with GNU Smalltalk
Fecha: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 22:26:25 +0200
De: Gwenael Casaccio <[hidden email]>
Para: GNU Smalltalk <[hidden email]>


In this short tutorial I will explain how to create a simple GTK
application with GNU Smalltalk. First of all we download the gtk-tools
package which contains improvements for Gtk.

git clone [hidden email]:gst-objectspaces/gtk-tools.git
cd gtk-tools

Now we can create a first Gtk application; first we load the gtk-tools

" Create a temporary variable"

   | window |

   PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'GtkTools'.

" This is a simple program that creates a window with a button and a
status bar: "

" Create a new window"

     window := GtkTools GtkMainWindow new.

" Set a button as the main widget, change the title and status bar"

         centralWidget: (GTK.GtkButton labeled: 'Hello World');
         title: 'simple';
         statusMessage: 'GTK Tutorial';
         showAll. " Display me and my children "

" Launch the Gtk event loop"

     GTK.Gtk main.


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