Generating sources (on Win7)

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Generating sources (on Win7)

Chris Cunnington

"Hello, I noticed on vm-dev, that you updated the vm compiling process to gcc-4. Because there are no updates to the cog svn, I assume that those changes are for the standard stack vm, but not cog. Is this right? And what would need to change to be able to compile cog with mingw gcc 4? Given the updates to the stack vm repository, are they (easily?) adaptable to cog, given some hours of fighting with the compiler, or have those projects diverged to far? When creating sources using the most recent versions of Squeak, VMMaker.oscog and Cog, I always end up with a compiler error in ADPCMCodecPlugin.c. If I use instead that file from the cog svn, there are no errors. How is the file in the repository generated? So far, generating the sources using the SqueakCogVM configuration, I changed the URIs in that method. What is the proper way to configure where I checked out the sources? (Telling FileDirectory>>#pathFromURI: to substitute 'oscogvm' by the correct path, I guess.) Thank you, Lars"

Hi Lars,

This list looks pretty dead. You're better off asking on the main vm-dev list. The question of up-to-date sources is a little complicated for Cog. svn is not your best destination, I'd say. Perhaps gitorious.

You can follow links from there to other Cog developers like Igor.

The easiest thing to do about the plugin that won't compile (ADPCMCodecPlugin.c) is to remove it before compiling. I don't recall how to do that with CMakeVMMaker. That would be a straightforward question to ask on vm-dev, though.


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Re: Generating sources (on Win7)

Igor Stasenko
On 8 October 2012 18:04, Chris Cunnington <[hidden email]> wrote:

> "Hello, I noticed on vm-dev, that you updated the vm compiling process to
> gcc-4. Because there are no updates to the cog svn, I assume that those
> changes are for the standard stack vm, but not cog. Is this right? And what
> would need to change to be able to compile cog with mingw gcc 4? Given the
> updates to the stack vm repository, are they (easily?) adaptable to cog,
> given some hours of fighting with the compiler, or have those projects
> diverged to far? When creating sources using the most recent versions of
> Squeak, VMMaker.oscog and Cog, I always end up with a compiler error in
> ADPCMCodecPlugin.c. If I use instead that file from the cog svn, there are
> no errors. How is the file in the repository generated? So far, generating
> the sources using the SqueakCogVM configuration, I changed the URIs in that
> method. What is the proper way to configure where I checked out the sources?
> (Telling FileDirectory>>#pathFromURI: to substitute 'oscogvm' by the correct
> path, I guess.) Thank you, Lars"
> Hi Lars,
> This list looks pretty dead. You're better off asking on the main vm-dev
> list. The question of up-to-date sources is a little complicated for Cog.
> svn is not your best destination, I'd say. Perhaps gitorious.
> You can follow links from there to other Cog developers like Igor.
There's plenty of links on that page:

> The easiest thing to do about the plugin that won't compile
> (ADPCMCodecPlugin.c) is to remove it before compiling. I don't recall how to
> do that with CMakeVMMaker. That would be a straightforward question to ask
> on vm-dev, though.
to generate VM sources (and build VM without specific plugin), you can do:

config := XYZConfig new.

config internalPlugins: (config internalPlugins copyWithout: #PluginClassName ).

(or same for #externalPlugins: )


config generateSources; generate.

If you need to see what plugins included by default, you can inspect

XYZConfig new internalPlugins/externalPlugins

> Chris
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Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.
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