Getting a Current Image with VMMaker

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Getting a Current Image with VMMaker

Kruck, Bastian-2

Hi VMMaker folks,

it has been a while since I last setup VMMaker in an image, so it seems I need a hint here:

I checked out the opensmalltalk-vm repo and ran the inside the image directory. Yet I have a hard time making sense of what I see then:

(I remember we once had some CI job that automatically built an image with VMMaker as part of testing something else, but also don't remember where that was...)

Best Regards,


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Re: Getting a Current Image with VMMaker

K K Subbu
On 29/05/19 2:25 AM, Kruck, Bastian wrote:
> it has been a while since I last setup VMMaker in an image, so it seems
> I need a hint here:

The error is because the latest release does not contain macos64x64. I
don't know why this file is missing. The last one for macos64x64 is:

$ curl -s -L | awk -F\" '$4 ~
/:squeak.cog.spur_macos64x64/ {latest=substr($4,2)}END{print latest}'


You can workaround by downloading it directly from:

extract the VM app and give its path directly as a argument

  $ ./ -vm

or you could override the LATEST_RELEASE variable temporarily in and then rerun your script:

+ LATEST_RELEASE=201903251926

HTH .. Subbu