GitReference class >> validateReferenceName

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GitReference class >> validateReferenceName

Squeak - Dev mailing list
Hi folks,

messing about with the new-fangled git stuff.

I am 'Add Git remote" thing , click 'ok' and MNU on

Text >>includesSubstring.

I replace aName (which is a Text) with aName string and all works as expected.
validateReferenceName: aName

| tokens illegalCharacters |
illegalCharacters := '[?+~^\*: '.
(aName includesAnyOf: illegalCharacters) ifTrue: [
GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include whitespace or any of the following characters: ' , illegalCharacters.].
aName isEmpty ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not be empty'].
(aName string includesSubstring: '..') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include the string ''..'''].
(aName string ncludesSubstring: '@{') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include the string ''@{'''].
(aName string includesSubstring: '//') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include two consecutive slashes'].
(aName string first = $/ or: [aName last = $/]) ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not start or end with a slash'].
(aName string endsWith: '@') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: '''@'' is not a valid reference name'].

tokens := aName string findTokens: '/'.
(tokens anySatisfy: [:t | (t first = $.) or: [t endsWith: '.lock']]) ifTrue: [
GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference component can not start with a dot or end with .lock'].

btw, books in pillar format (?) for will be hosted on github eventually and then hopefully auto-published on the website.

hence, the git-tools stuff work.

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Re: GitReference class >> validateReferenceName

Jakob Reschke
Hi Timothy,

Thank you for the report. When did you install the Git Browser in this
image? I published a new version on September 26th that should fix the
issue. If you did not install it after that, please update and try
again: in the window menu of the Git Browser (the third window button
next to expand and collapse), choose "self-update".

Kind regards,

Am Sa., 3. Okt. 2020 um 15:46 Uhr schrieb gettimothy via Squeak-dev
<[hidden email]>:

> Hi folks,
> messing about with the new-fangled git stuff.
> I am 'Add Git remote" thing , click 'ok' and MNU on
> Text >>includesSubstring.
> I replace aName (which is a Text) with aName string and all works as expected.
> validateReferenceName: aName
> "See"
> | tokens illegalCharacters |
> illegalCharacters := '[?+~^\*: '.
> (aName includesAnyOf: illegalCharacters) ifTrue: [
> GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include whitespace or any of the following characters: ' , illegalCharacters.].
> aName isEmpty ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not be empty'].
> (aName string includesSubstring: '..') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include the string ''..'''].
> (aName string ncludesSubstring: '@{') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include the string ''@{'''].
> (aName string includesSubstring: '//') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include two consecutive slashes'].
> (aName string first = $/ or: [aName last = $/]) ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not start or end with a slash'].
> (aName string endsWith: '@') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: '''@'' is not a valid reference name'].
> tokens := aName string findTokens: '/'.
> (tokens anySatisfy: [:t | (t first = $.) or: [t endsWith: '.lock']]) ifTrue: [
> GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference component can not start with a dot or end with .lock'].
> hth.
> btw, books in pillar format (?) for will be hosted on github eventually and then hopefully auto-published on the website.
> hence, the git-tools stuff work.

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Re: GitReference class >> validateReferenceName

Jakob Reschke
Am Sa., 3. Okt. 2020 um 20:41 Uhr schrieb gettimothy <[hidden email]>:

> On a brand new squeak6.0 alpha [...] I run
> repository: 'github://squeak-smalltalk/squeak-tonel:squeak';
> baseline: 'Tonel';
> get; load.
> works fine.
> Open the Git browser,
> Add Roassal3 project.
> RHClick..Add remote copy-n-paste in
> MNU Text(Object) does not understand #includesSubstring:
> what am I missing?

Hi Timothy,

Looks like I was mistaken, the fix is not in the release from September 26th.

In the meantime, please replace the method SquitAddRemote>>#remoteName
with the following text:


    ^ remoteName ifNil: [String empty] ifNotNil: [remoteName asString]

Kind regards,

Am Sa., 3. Okt. 2020 um 16:10 Uhr schrieb Jakob Reschke
<[hidden email]>:

> Hi Timothy,
> Thank you for the report. When did you install the Git Browser in this
> image? I published a new version on September 26th that should fix the
> issue. If you did not install it after that, please update and try
> again: in the window menu of the Git Browser (the third window button
> next to expand and collapse), choose "self-update".
> Kind regards,
> Jakob
> Am Sa., 3. Okt. 2020 um 15:46 Uhr schrieb gettimothy via Squeak-dev
> <[hidden email]>:
> >
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > messing about with the new-fangled git stuff.
> >
> > I am 'Add Git remote" thing , click 'ok' and MNU on
> >
> > Text >>includesSubstring.
> >
> > I replace aName (which is a Text) with aName string and all works as expected.
> >
> > validateReferenceName: aName
> > "See"
> >
> > | tokens illegalCharacters |
> > illegalCharacters := '[?+~^\*: '.
> > (aName includesAnyOf: illegalCharacters) ifTrue: [
> > GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include whitespace or any of the following characters: ' , illegalCharacters.].
> > aName isEmpty ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not be empty'].
> > (aName string includesSubstring: '..') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include the string ''..'''].
> > (aName string ncludesSubstring: '@{') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include the string ''@{'''].
> > (aName string includesSubstring: '//') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not include two consecutive slashes'].
> > (aName string first = $/ or: [aName last = $/]) ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference name can not start or end with a slash'].
> > (aName string endsWith: '@') ifTrue: [GitInvalidReferenceName signal: '''@'' is not a valid reference name'].
> >
> > tokens := aName string findTokens: '/'.
> > (tokens anySatisfy: [:t | (t first = $.) or: [t endsWith: '.lock']]) ifTrue: [
> > GitInvalidReferenceName signal: 'A reference component can not start with a dot or end with .lock'].
> >
> > hth.
> >
> > btw, books in pillar format (?) for will be hosted on github eventually and then hopefully auto-published on the website.
> >
> > hence, the git-tools stuff work.
> >
> >
> >
> >