Given an interval of numbers from 1 to 100 how to split them into 10 collections(?) of 1 to 10.

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Given an interval of numbers from 1 to 100 how to split them into 10 collections(?) of 1 to 10.

Squeak - Dev mailing list
Hi Folks,

For a development tool and Unicode grok exercise, I am recreating the functionality of:

For the Latin unicode characters, I would like to create a table 10 <td> things wide in a table row.

There has got to be an elegant way rather than the kludge I am imagining...

Here is my current code that has one TD for each row.
render000020to00007F: html
      html table
                  html tableHead with: [html strong: ' Basic Latin'].
                  html tableBody with:[
                  (16r000020 asCharacter to: 16r00007F asCharacter)
                                    html tableRow with:[
                                          html tableHeading: (each asInteger).
                                          html tableData: each]]]]

If I could "chunk" that  (16r000020 asCharacter to: 16r00007F asCharacter) or the Interval (16r000020 to: 16r00007F) into subsets of 10, it would be  easy to code this.

thanks in advance.

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Re: Given an interval of numbers from 1 to 100 how to split them into 10 collections(?) of 1 to 10.

Levente Uzonyi
Hi Tim,

On Thu, 28 Jan 2021, gettimothy via Squeak-dev wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> For a development tool and Unicode grok exercise, I am recreating the functionality of:
> For the Latin unicode characters, I would like to create a table 10 <td> things wide in a table row.
> There has got to be an elegant way rather than the kludge I am imagining...
> Here is my current code that has one TD for each row.
>       render000020to00007F: html
>       html table
>             with:[
>                   html tableHead with: [html strong: ' Basic Latin'].
>                   html tableBody with:[
>                   (16r000020 asCharacter to: 16r00007F asCharacter)
>                         do:[:each|
>                                     html tableRow with:[
>                                           html tableHeading: (each asInteger).
>                                           html tableData: each]]]]
If the size of the collection would be a multiple of 10, you could use
#groupsOf:atATimeDo:, but it's not, so I'd try something like this:

| start end step |
start := 16r000020.
end := 16r00007F.
step := 10.
start to: end by: step do: [ :groupStart |
  | group |
  group := groupStart to: (groupStart + step - 1 min: end).
  tableRow: [
  group do: [ :each |
  html tableHead: each ] ];
  tableRow: [
  group do: [ :each |
  html tableData: each asCharacter ] ] ]


> If I could "chunk" that  (16r000020 asCharacter to: 16r00007F asCharacter) or the Interval (16r000020 to: 16r00007F) into subsets of 10, it would be  easy to code this.
> thanks in advance.

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Re: Given an interval of numbers from 1 to 100 how to split them into 10 collections(?) of 1 to 10.

Squeak - Dev mailing list

Thank you!

I will tussle with that tomorrow.

As an aside, fior he purposes of seaside I learned that  xml only supports a subset of available Unicode.

This may simplify my PEG filters.

The larger and intriguing issue of getting every  printable unicode character to display in squeak  is now on my want to do list!
A fun experiment will be seeing if out putting "delete the e" to the Transcript followed by the delete character (127?) results in "delete the "  (:


---- On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 16:17:15 -0500 [hidden email] wrote ----

Hi Tim,

On Thu, 28 Jan 2021, gettimothy via Squeak-dev wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> For a development tool and Unicode grok exercise, I am recreating the functionality of:
> For the Latin unicode characters, I would like to create a table 10 <td> things wide in a table row.
> There has got to be an elegant way rather than the kludge I am imagining...
> Here is my current code that has one TD for each row.
> render000020to00007F: html
>       html table
>             with:[
>                   html tableHead with: [html strong: ' Basic Latin'].
>                   html tableBody with:[
>                   (16r000020 asCharacter to: 16r00007F asCharacter)
>                         do:[:each|
>                                     html tableRow with:[
>                                           html tableHeading: (each asInteger).
>                                           html tableData: each]]]]

If the size of the collection would be a multiple of 10, you could use
#groupsOf:atATimeDo:, but it's not, so I'd try something like this:

| start end step |
start := 16r000020.
end := 16r00007F.
step := 10.
start to: end by: step do: [ :groupStart |
    | group |
    group := groupStart to: (groupStart + step - 1 min: end).
        tableRow: [
            group do: [ :each |
                html tableHead: each ] ];
        tableRow: [
            group do: [ :each |
                html tableData: each asCharacter ] ] ]


> If I could "chunk" that  (16r000020 asCharacter to: 16r00007F asCharacter) or the Interval (16r000020 to: 16r00007F) into subsets of 10, it would be  easy to code this.
> thanks in advance.