Greek letters and math equation displays

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Greek letters and math equation displays

Brad Fuller-4
Looking around for this on the swiki, but couldn't find exactly how I
could display greek letters easily in squeak (that is for a
presentation). Also, would like to display math equations as well.

thanks much.

Brad Fuller
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Re: [squeak-dev] Greek letters and math equation displays

Brad Fuller-4

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 2:59 AM, Simon Guest<[hidden email]> wrote:

> At Thu, 27 Aug 2009 10:14:57 -0700,
> Brad Fuller wrote:
>> Looking around for this on the swiki, but couldn't find exactly how I
>> could display greek letters easily in squeak (that is for a
>> presentation). Also, would like to display math equations as well.
> Hi Brad,
> I wrote a LatexMorph a while back, to do exactly this.  It grabs the
> output of Latex and displays it in a morph.  K K Subramaniam ("Subbu")
> made extensive improvements, among others making it behave like a
> proper EToy (which my version never did.)
> I had a screenshot up at
> but you really should use Subbu's much improved version, at
> Enjoy!
> cheers,
> Simon

Brad Fuller
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