Hackathon team - squeak on hashgraph?

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Hackathon team - squeak on hashgraph?

Hi guys,

I would like to team up with others to integrate squeak (and friends) with headera hashgraph. (Distributed Ledger)

I think we could provide a solidity replacement for smart contracts (at full speed) very simply.

There is a Hackathon starting tomorrow.

Would anyone be interested in teaming up?

We might not be very ready for this Hackathon, but we could give it a go.

Tasks would include:

Connecting to the hedera servers and API via protobuf.

Make the image calculate and save a hash of itself after saving.

Resister the image as a persistent file (via a URL and hash) on the network. (Cost 5c)

Create a consensus network, for distributing messages about that image. (Cost 1c)

Any derived images are hashed and a message is posted in the stream with reference to the original.

Any code changeset ( <12k ) can be posted to the stream also.

Thus any derived image has a recorded immutable history.

Any code snippet or binary loaded object can be added to the stream directly or by reference and hash. Messages cost 0.01c)

Code tests can be posted as, hashes of  input, code and output, and hash of the image. Thus the test can be repeated in different images and platforms, and the results are recorded in the history. (Again 0.01c)

The net result, will be the ability to run bit identical squeak images anywhere, and being able to prove that the executables are identical and have identical behaviour. All image development will have traceable recorded history for all projects. 

On top of this we add a means to vote on or endorse trust in images, packages.

Then we add distributed synchronisation (a la croquet/open cobalt)

Then we add magma for transient persistence, and morphic 6 for platform independent UI (electron pah!)

I think that would be a pretty interesting platform on which to develop.

Simple example of a smart contact oracle. We have a model of exchange rates between the dollar and the pound. In the image we save the history for 100 years. This single snapshot becomes available to all as a historically accurate currency converter. 

Users and developers can publish tests and hashes of input and outputs that demonstrate its correctness (or not) and build trust in that image.

A newer or derived image, can have those past tests reapplied, to inherit that established trust.

All code for distributed users is run locally at full speed with no gas cost, results can be shared synchronised and compared using the hedera consensus service.


Thoughts anyone?

I know it's a solution looking for a problem, but so was the spreadsheet.

Squeak/Smalltalk needs a new killer use case, and although other platforms could do this, I think squeak/smalltalk might have the edge.

Best regards to all
