Haiku OS VM

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Haiku OS VM

Hello! I'm interested how difficult it could be to create a viable smalltalk VM (squeak) to be run on Haiku. I've realized that there was a version for BeOS once but I checked (also with the maintainer) and it seems to be stopped. I wonder what I need to cimpile a current version and bind to haiku (BeOS) infrastructure (net - graphics - audio). I used to build software on linux for myself with minor changes or configuration only, however I'm curious...

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Re: Haiku OS VM

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Kuszi,

On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 3:07 AM kuszi <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello! I'm interested how difficult it could be to create a viable smalltalk VM (squeak) to be run on Haiku. I've realized that there was a version for BeOS once but I checked (also with the maintainer) and it seems to be stopped. I wonder what I need to cimpile a current version and bind to haiku (BeOS) infrastructure (net - graphics - audio). I used to build software on linux for myself with minor changes or configuration only, however I'm curious...

To get the StackInterpreter version of opensmalltalk-vm working on any OS one needs
- a C compiler
- threads, specifically the ability to spawn a high-priority thread that can block on a short delay, from which is constructed a heartbeat
- platform support for file access, display access etc

I can't imagine that Haiku, if it is a successor or variant of BeOS, would lack any of these facilities.

To get the high-performance Cog (JIT) version of opensmalltalk-vm working on any OS one needs the additional facility of
- marking a read/writable part of the address space as also executable

Again I can't imagine BeOS lacking this/

So I can't see any serious road blocks.  I wonder does anyone know where the BeOS files for Squeak are?  This would be a good starting point.

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best, Eliot

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