Has anybody done a successful Standard Interpreter build in Squeak 4.6?

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Has anybody done a successful Standard Interpreter build in Squeak 4.6?

Howdy all.

I am finishing up a "cmakify.sh" script that builds on the existing Cog/image/build*.sh scripts from http://www.squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/branches/Cog

It works fine except the VMMakerTool for the old VMMaker (not VMMaker.oscog) running on 4.6 barfs whereas it works perfectly on 4.5.

I am thinking it is not worth pursuing as 4.6 isn't being developed yet, but if by chance somebody has done a by-hand build of the old Standard Intepreter using the old VMMaker (Not VMMaker.oscog)  on 4.6 I will investigate.



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Re: Has anybody done a successful Standard Interpreter build in Squeak 4.6?

Eliot Miranda-2

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 6:59 PM, gettimothy <[hidden email]> wrote:
Howdy all.

I am finishing up a "cmakify.sh" script that builds on the existing Cog/image/build*.sh scripts from http://www.squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/branches/Cog

It works fine except the VMMakerTool for the old VMMaker (not VMMaker.oscog) running on 4.6 barfs whereas it works perfectly on 4.5.

what's the symptom?

I am thinking it is not worth pursuing as 4.6 isn't being developed yet, but if by chance somebody has done a by-hand build of the old Standard Intepreter using the old VMMaker (Not VMMaker.oscog)  on 4.6 I will investigate.



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Re: Has anybody done a successful Standard Interpreter build in Squeak 4.6?

Hi Eliot.

>what's the symptom?

Exactly what should happen when a very tired programmer late in the day feeds the 46 image a script designed for VMMaker.oscog (BuildSqueak45Image.st)   instead of a modified version of that script designed for the standard
VMMaker (BuildSqueakStandardImage.st) and then feeds a standard VM .config file to a VMMakerTool that is expecting a Stack Interpreter or better.. 

A good nights sleep, two cups of coffee plus an edit of the script produces the correct result.  (:

Sorry for the noise.

Now, on to CMake proper.
