Help needed to configure Squeak Map Loader in Pharo image

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Help needed to configure Squeak Map Loader in Pharo image

Frank Church-3

I am trying to fix the SqueakMap loader in image.

Squeak Map Loader shows a blank list with (0/0)

The about dialog give this information

latest update #10318

Trying 'Configuration->update from server rresults in a message not
understood error.

In the meantime I am using System->software update in the hope that
it does the same thing

Are there commands I can execute to fix Squeak Map to get it to run properly?

Frank Church
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Re: Help needed to configure Squeak Map Loader in Pharo image

Frank Church wrote:

> I am trying to fix the SqueakMap loader in image.
> Squeak Map Loader shows a blank list with (0/0)
> The about dialog give this information
> Pharo0.1
> latest update #10318

A couple of weeks ago, Damien Cassou released a pharo-web image based
on the more recent #10324:
( )

> Trying 'Configuration->update from server rresults in a message not
> understood error.
> In the meantime I am using System->software update in the hope that
> it does the same thing
> Are there commands I can execute to fix Squeak Map to get it to run properly?

I am not following Pharo closely, but your issue might be related to a
known one that got some attention:

Sorry I don't have suggestions for a solution.
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