On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Bill Kerr <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> from walter's sugar digest:
> 6. Hilaire Fernandes, who brought us DrGeo, has <a
> href="
http://www.istoa.net">a new project</a> underway:
Thank you. This is excellent.
> :I am working on a learning system written in Smalltalk. The contents
> is only in French for now, and only cover multiplication learning, but
> I am planing for more in various subjects. Underneath the curriculum
> is in a graph to help situating the learning progression of the
> learner.
> I've done an english translation of the main page using google translate -
> I'm not certain but it could be Hilaire's intention to eventually develop a
> computer mentoring system - identified by alan kay as the main thing missing
> from his dynabook vision (40th anniversary presentation)
> if anyone improves the translation please send me a copy
> activité (étayage) = activity (shoring) ???
Pedagogical support seems to mean lesson plans.
> iSTOA.net is a research project to build a platform for interactive teaching
> and monitoring the Internet. It is free and cross-licensed MIT.
iSTOA.net is a research project to build a platform for interactive
teaching and for following it on the Internet. It is multi-platform,
and under a Free MIT license.
> Some aspects of iStoa.net:
Some particular points about iStoa.net:
> * Interactive exercises for students is important (see this article on the
> artifacts).
* Interactive exercises for students are important (see this article
on the exercises so far constructed)
> * Modeling of the field of learning
Modeling of the subject matter to be learned
> * The construction of a knowledge model of learning as part of its
> activities with the software
* Construction of a model of the learner's understanding as he or she
works with the software
> * A remediation when the student is in trouble
* A help system for when the student is having trouble
> We are building a community around this project, to help us build it, join
> us! You can also reach OFSET (Organization for Free Software in Education
> and Teaching), which supports the project on its list of discussion.
We are building a community around this project; to help us build it, join
You can also join OFSET (Organization for Free Software in Education
and Teaching),
which supports the project on its mailing list.
Functional environment
iSTOA is multiplatform : GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
Development environment
The Pharo environment for Smalltalk development.
> Intermediate version. Includes editor notional network, database, web
> console, the student, the application of test exercises:
Intermediate version. Includes an editor for virtual networks(?),
database, student software, test and exercise software.
> * Resolution bug # 6936, # 6937, # 6973, # 6939 List of bugs
> * Version based Pharo # 10192: font rendering plugin with FreeType,
> verifications and modifications Pharo for compatibility with the latest
> stable version 41.1 of Magma.
> * Refactoring code. Correction on some exercises.
> The console's web master and the students with recording traces are present.
The master Web console and student application with the ability to
create records are provided.
> However, some simple operations are necessary to activate them. If you want
> to test, ask on the mailing list.
> Since its interactive teaching file, ISTO provides access to a set of
> scaffolding materials. Each shoring is an activity that addresses one or
> more educational themes and includes a series of exercises. The shoring are
> classified according to the classification of items of educational
> curricula. It includes more than 40 educational shoring with more than 160
> years.
In addition to the interactive education application file, iSTOA
provides access to a collection of lesson plans. Each plan consists of
an activity that addresses one or more educational themes, and
includes a series of exercises. The plans are classified according to
the names of subjects in the curriculum. The collection includes more
than 40 plans containing more than 160 exercises.
> The platform is aimed at teaching math and French cycle 3 of primary school.
> Its use is multiple use in the classroom, use at home or remediation
> monitoring with deferred by the teacher.
The platform is aimed at teaching arithmetic and French in third
grade. It has multiple uses: in the classroom, at home, and in
remedial instruction, with appropriate follow-up by the instructor.
> Each act of the learner is stored in a database, in a local network or the
> Internet. Of course, use offline mode is possible, there is no case in this
> recording traces
Each step taken by the student can be stored in a database, locally or
on the Internet. Naturally, offline use is possible, but without the
possibility of recording progress.
> Features
> ISTO is divided into four main parts:
> 1. A modeling tool in the field of learning.
A modeling tool for the field of study.
> 2. A corpus of interactive and dynamic.
A body of interactive, dynamic exercises.
> 3. A system for recording acts of learning.
A system for recording steps in learning.
> 4. A Web console of the teacher to see the traces of learners.
A teacher's console for examining student records.
> These revolve around large parts of modeling the domain of learning. The
> exercises are the learner according to a part of this model, and partly of
> his learning.
These parts of the system are organized around the model of the field
of study. Exercises are presented to the learner partly in accordance
with this model, and partly in accordance with his progress in
> The exercises of the body are modular and configurable objects. They are
> grouped by activity (shoring). The chart below shows in detail some of these
> relationships:
The exercises in this suite are parametrized, modular objects. They
are grouped into activities (lesson plans). The chart below shows in
detail some of these relationships:
> Domain de reference: programmes scolaires = Domain of reference: curricula
> Graphe de competences = Graph of competences
Connections of capabilities
> Graphe d'etayage = Graphe shoring
Connections of lessons
> Apprenant = Learner
> Modele de connaissance = Model knowledge
Model of understanding
> decrit = described
> Fait evoluer = Changed
> modelise = modeled
> Corpus d'exercices = Corpus exercises
Suite of exercises
> pilote = pilot
> Traitement erreur = Treatment error
Processing error (?)
> Domaine de reference: savoir-faire pedagogique = Area of reference:
> educational know-how
> The project
> The outline of the model are in place. The body of exercises is to increase,
> for a school it takes several hundreds of interactive exercises. But for
> them, we develop artifacts that are reusable components from one year to
> another, this reduces the development time necessary.
The outline of the functional model is in place. The suite of
exercises has to be expanded, because several hundred interactive
exercises are needed for each grade. However, in order to create them,
we are building software as reusable components that can be recombined
into new lessons for each grade, reducing the needed development time.
> To learn more about the project, visit the state of the project. If you wish
> to participate in the project, also visit the PARTICIPATE IN ISTO.
To learn more about the progress of the project, visit the Web page
If you would like to participate, similarly visit the page PARTICIPATE IN iSTOA.
Silent Thunder (默雷/धर्ममेघशब्दगर्ज/دھرممیگھشبدگر ج) is my name
And Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, The Truth my destination.