On 2013-01-28, at 07:31, Steve Thomas <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Thanks Subbu.
> I started looking at what you sent and poking around trying to figure out the code, then realized I could do it "the Etoys way" and put the morph back into its previous holder (which can vary and I store in a player variable).
> I wound up using a playfield include tile and replacing playfield with the variable used to store the original holder:
> self getOrigHolder include: self.
> Stephen
Yep, that's the right way to do it in Etoys. In addition to moving the object, it also ensures it's in view, the holder's cursor gets updated etc.
If you were doing it in plain Morphic, you would do something like
newContainer addMorph: self
which automatically deletes self from its current container, but does not change the position etc.
- Bert -
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