Ron Teitelbaum Ron at wrote:
> The thing to remember is that files are just collections of bits. You can
take the bits and convert them to a compact string, then expand that string
when you need it to create a new file. The compact string can be placed in a
method and saved as part of a change set.
Got it. I had been looking for a BLOB encoding. Thanks a bunch.
aFileStream _ (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'GIF-deck/11c.gif') binary.
aMimeStream _ Base64MimeConverter mimeEncode: aFileStream.
aString _ (Clipboard clipboardText: (aMimeStream contents)) clipboardText.
decodedStream _ (Base64MimeConverter mimeDecodeToBytes: aString readStream).
aForm _ (Form fromBinaryStream: decodedStream).
"=====check it====="
aForm asMorph openInWorld.
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