How do experienced squeakers design applications?

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How do experienced squeakers design applications?

Andy Burnett
I have just started building the model classes for my first app. I  
sketched out, on paper, what I thought the objects should be, and then  
started coding. However, very quickly, I found that I was confusing  
the heck out of myself, trying to make all the parts work together.  
Clearly, I was not approaching the process the right way at all.

So, how do you guys build apps? Do you work out everything on paper  
first ( with UML diags etc). Or, do you use squeak as you design tool,  
creating stub classes as you realize you need them.

Also, do you try to get one class to pass all it's tests first, before  
you move on?

Basically, I am interested in the rules of thumb that you find helpful.


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Re: How do experienced squeakers design applications?

laurent laffont
I'm a squeak newbie but I work and design every day on ruby / python / delphi projects.  Personnaly I sketched out on paper, using UML mainly. Then I take the most quick and easy functionality/class collaboration to develop and I develop using Test Driven Development ( read Dave Astels fantastic book "Test Driven Development: A practical guide" if you want more details on this. I like the idea that tests drive the design ).

A tool I like  to draw UML diagrams is umlet :  It's fast, no popups, dialog boxes, saves it's diagrams in plain text files (easy to version), ... and free as in free beer ;)

This done (100% test green, 100% coverage and most obvious use cases tested), I sketched out again for next tasks and start all cycle again.

In professionnal environment I like to use Scrum iterative development process.

I hope this help !


On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 5:42 AM, Andy Burnett <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have just started building the model classes for my first app. I sketched out, on paper, what I thought the objects should be, and then started coding. However, very quickly, I found that I was confusing the heck out of myself, trying to make all the parts work together. Clearly, I was not approaching the process the right way at all.

So, how do you guys build apps? Do you work out everything on paper first ( with UML diags etc). Or, do you use squeak as you design tool, creating stub classes as you realize you need them.

Also, do you try to get one class to pass all it's tests first, before you move on?

Basically, I am interested in the rules of thumb that you find helpful.


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