How do you write an acceptance test for "Save Project" in 3.11?

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How do you write an acceptance test for "Save Project" in 3.11?

Jerome Peace
Hi All, Hi Andreas,

>From another thread:

Jer>> What is the expected behavior and result of saving a project? What files and folders should I expect to see???
Andreas>All projects are first stored in the Squeaklets directory and then moved
>to their "final" location (which might be a web server etc).

Can you be more specific. I am looking to get a spec that can be tested against.

Also as I say I have been seeing unexpected (from previous experience) directories being written to SqueakImageHome>Squeaklets. The directories seem to be named like 'ProjectName.001'. Is that supposed to happen?

How do you write an acceptance test for "Save Project" in 3.11?

Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace