Ya que logre una imagen de 25 k que crea un archivo log.text quea adjunto y
dice ‘Hola Mundo’.
Se las adjunto, funciona con VM normal o no Cog ( Squeak 4.2.5beta1U En Mac)
Lista de clases
Since achieve an image of 25 k which creates a file attachment log.text that
and says 'Hello World'.
They are attached, it works with normal not Cog VM (Squeak 4.2.5beta1U In
List of classes
Como pueden ver, es compatible con Squeak 4.4 y fue generada por el Fenix de
Ale Reimondo
As you can see, is compatible with Squeak 4.4 and was generated by Fenix
of Ale Reimondo
Ahhh, tambien hicimos ayer mermelada de pomelo, que los valientes como
Leandro han probado en años anteriores.
Si quieren les paso la receta
Also did yesterday grapefruit marmalade, the brave (as Leandro) have tasted
in previous years.
I like to say very thanks to all reduced image builders.
List begins with Dan Ingalls, Ale Reimondo, John Maloney and continue in
modern times with Pavel Krivanek , Guillermo Polito and sure many others